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HomeTop StoriesVenezuela suffers massive power outage for more than nine hours

Venezuela suffers massive power outage for more than nine hours

With connectivity issues and a massive police and military surveillance operation, This Friday, Venezuela experienced the longest power outage since March 2019. -when the oil nation spent several days in the dark-, after suffering a power outage that disrupted daily life in the country, at a time when it is going through a political crisis.

After half a day without electricity, the public channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) assured that Authorities continued to gradually restore servicealthough some Internet users report fluctuations in several areas, as well as new cuts in restored municipalities.

According to official information, the outage was recorded at 4:50 a.m. local time due to a “sabotage” that left Caracas and the country’s 23 states without electricitysome of which experience outages or service fluctuations almost daily.

Organizations such as Ve Sin Filtro have reported that, on average, internet connectivity has dropped by up to 20% across the country, meaning that 8 out of 10 Venezuelans have found themselves, at least for a few hours, without being able to access social networks. Digital payment methods and electronic communication channels.

The outage also limited – in some cases completely – the telephone signal and left underground transport and thousands of traffic lights out of service, causing disruption to vehicles and pedestrians, especially those who were commuting to work despite the power outage.

Maduro attributes outage to “an account called Anonymous”

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro said this Friday that “an account called Anonymous” from the “extreme right” had already threatened a national blackout, after a blackout this morning that left much of the country without electricity, caused by a “heart attack” in the Guri system, the main electricity generation facility located in the state of Bolivar.

“An account called Anonymous, we already know who operated it, who hired it, who financed it. I won’t say more. An Anonymous account at the service of the war of hatred against Venezuela threatened several times with a national blackout,” Maduro said during a broadcast on state channel VTV.

Likewise, the president showed that an alleged publication would be “anti-Venezuelan” and “work directly with the CIA.”

The president said the aim of the attack was to “liquidate” Guri, which he blamed on “fascist currents” that “pretended to be the opposition.” He said he had “determined the mechanisms that were used” in the attack, but did not provide further details, since the investigation “is ongoing” to “be able to obtain justice in this case.”

“The investigations are advanced, accelerated, they will be in-depth”he has advanced. The president assured that behind this attack there was “a war room of fascists” that is located – he said – in the United States. “There are technical details that I should not give, I do not know if later, in the days to come,” he said.




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