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“Venezuela without Edmundo González, what do Zapatero, Sánchez and the PSOE owe to Maduro?”

As expected, Shoemaker, Sanchez and the PSOE have rendered a new service to the Venezuelan dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro: eliminating the opposition leader and winner of the July electionsEdmundo González, whom he sent into exile in Spain, like others before him.

Edmundo González took refuge in the Dutch embassy since the elections. There he received – according to some sources – several visits from the vice-president of the regime, the famous Delcy Rodríguez, and her brother Jorge and president of the National Assembly, the legislative power that Chávez and Maduro annulled, as Sánchez now wants. Spain. Edmundo González received all kinds of threats from Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez, coercion and pressure against him and his family to leave the country. Within hours, once the decision was made, he was taken to the residence of the Spanish ambassador and from there aboard a Falcon en route to Madrid.

You see. Maduro signals and Zapatero acts. Maduro indicates which opponent he wants outside of Venezuela and then Zapatero always seems to get a quick seat in Sánchez’s Falcon. Of course, everything had been previously agreed and arranged with the dictator. Does anyone doubt that?

It is the same thing that Zapatero did with ETA. Instead of crushing it to the end (Aznar let it die), Zapatero agreed with the criminals on a false end and today Sánchez governs with them – with Bildu – to prevent the PP from doing it.

NOW, The country and company will disguise what Zapatero has done, once again, as humanitarian work, stealthy democracy efforts, etc. Blah blah blah. Don’t be fooled. To the world, Zapatero is the main lobbyist and ambassador of Nicolas Maduro and works for him and for the dictatorship to last forever.

What do Nicolás Maduro owe Zapatero, his foundation – which received 1.5 billion from Sánchez’s government -, Sánchez himself and the PSOE? And by the way: what does Ábalos know about all this?

There remains in Venezuela a glimmer of hope Maria Corina Machadothat they will also try to imprison or expel from the country by January, the date of the inauguration ceremony of the new president. With her, it will be more difficult. She is an iron woman and she will resist more than a septuagenarian like Edmundo González, who ended up there, almost by chance.

The destiny of the opposition is exile. Fidel Castro did it very well. And exile is a temptation because, even if it generates the division of the internal opposition sought by Maduro, the opposition knows that exile gives more concentration and room for action than rotting in the oblivion of a prison of the regime.

Maduro wants this story to start over. Dismember the opposition, divide it so that it has to spend months or years until a new movement is structured. This is what he aims for: discouragement and division to last forever without a rival.

Only the US presidential elections could change the situation somewhat by January and prevent Maduro from coming to power. From the European Union, with Von der Leyen and Borrell, nothing can be expected, except that the new representative of EU foreign policy who replaces the Spanish socialist has the clearest ideas and is – we doubt it – outside the popular and socialist consensus that distributes everything in Europe so that nothing changes.

The International Criminal Court is as slow as a tortoise. Zapatero, yes, did Maduro a favor by urgently removing Edmundo González from him because – as Felipe González warned this summer – the arrest of Edmundo González would have accelerated the process against Maduro in The Hague and a possible international arrest warrant. Maduro does not want to stir up that bogeyman just in case. He has stolen enough from Venezuelans to live seven lives in a Lamborghini, as Sánchez would say. Maduro will always have Cuba on his left.

What do Zapatero, Sánchez and the PSOE owe to the Venezuelan dictatorship? is the question. The PSOE has already announced that it will vote this Tuesday in Congress against the recognition of Edmundo González as president-elect and winner of the elections. From Venezuela, María Corina Machado calls on Venezuelans in Madrid to demonstrate in the Plaza de las Cortes.

The government – which takes us for idiots – claims that there was no agreement with the regime, but Edmundo González’s party assures that there were repeated offers of asylum from Spain while Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez threatened him. Do you understand the coordinated system between Zapatero and the Venezuelan dictator? Stick and carrot. Maduro puts the stick. Zapatero and Sánchez, the carrot in the shape of a hawk and exile in Madrid.

Nothing that happens in Venezuela is foreign to what happens in Spain. What does Ábalos know about all this? José Luis Ábalos knows everything about Zapatero and the PSOE’s relations with Venezuela. As he knows everything about Sánchez and Begoña Gómez. And about Víctor de Aldama, Begoña’s friend, who was also in Barajas that night in January 2020, with privileged relations in Caracas.

José Luis Ábalos is the key to sanchismo. And Sánchez knows it. With Begoña Gómez under investigation for corruption and Koldo case in progress, Sánchez is no longer hiding. He must remain in power no matter what. Sánchez revealed himself on Saturday at the PSOE Federal Committee, that gathering of sheep and cowards who end up applauding the Monclovite satrap, despite their ramblings in front of the press. They don’t dare speak to him face to face.

Sánchez said he would remain in power for the next three years “with or without the help of the legislative branch.” Can you imagine the scandal in any European country if a prime minister said something like that? Today, the regime’s commentators are trying to minimize and interpret Sánchez’s words. But Sánchez said what he said clearly and without disguise, because that phrase is the perfect expression of the psychopathic dictator within him. Let’s call a spade a spade.

On Saturday, Sánchez made a typical Nicolás Maduro statement while – at the same time – doing Maduro the favor of expelling Edmundo González from the country and bringing him to Spain. Sánchez, if he could, would govern Spain like Maduro. Do not hesitate. And he is on his way to that. He no longer hides it. He has co-opted all the institutions, as Chávez and Maduro did in Venezuela. The judiciary and the Crown resist him. The CGPJ, for now, is doing well in the figure of Isabel Perelló. We will see why the PSOE always has an ace up its sleeve.

Now, it seems that, so that what happened with Begoña, Ábalos and Koldo does not come to anything, our patriot Pedro Chávez has placed his hopes in the renewal of the magistrates and presidents of the Supreme Court and, in particular, in the replacement of Marchena at the head of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, the Criminal Chamber where corruption cases of officials and politicians are concluded. In October, Marchena, the scourge of the independence supporters of processwill have to be replaced. Pay attention to this decision, because Sánchez and Bolaños will do the rest to appoint Pumpido to head the Criminal Tribunal of the Supreme Court. Now comes the real battle.

Sánchez is Maduro and Spain is becoming Venezuela, even if some people still laugh. What can be done to prevent this? Where is the opposition?

Arturo Pérez-Reverte wrote this summer: “Pedro Sánchez’s talent for running away is admirable. There are no more rabbits in your hat. The inefficiency and incompetence of the PP are astonishing and perhaps this explains many of the things that are happening. If they were in power and Sánchez in opposition and if he had against them the heavy ammunition that the PP has against him, Feijóo would not hold even five news broadcasts in La Moncloa. That is the reality.

I hope that one day Edmundo González or María Corina Machado or whoever the Venezuelans choose will preside over a free Venezuela. That day – it seems – will continue to take time and will not be January 10. Until then, I hope, as hyperbole as it may seem, that they will not have to receive Feijóo asylum in Caracas in a Falcon.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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