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HomeBreaking News"Venezuelan fascism and Elon Musk make satanic pacts like Hitler"

“Venezuelan fascism and Elon Musk make satanic pacts like Hitler”

Podemos founder Juan Carlos Monedero returned to Caracas this weekend to participate in a discussion on fascism with Nicolas Madurothat the Venezuelan dictator published on his YouTube channel.

Throughout an hour and a half of conversation, Maduro gives free rein to one of his obsessions, the South African tycoon and owner of Tesla and the social networkcybernetic, fascist and criminal coup“from which, according to him, Venezuela suffers.

Despite this, the dictator boasts of having succeeded in “defeating fascism”: ““We are very defeated”he congratulates Monedero.

With the help of the professor of the Complutense University, Maduro compares the current situation of Venezuela with the fall of the Second Spanish Republic, due to Franco’s coup d’état.The Second Republic is still hurting us” he laments, while Monedero shakes his head.

In the midst of a confusing historical incursion, Maduro alludes to the “satanic, occult and esoteric pacts of Mussolini and Hitler, as well as the oaths of the sects of which they were part. They were revealed,” he comments, “by Elon Musk’s Satanic Pacts and Venezuelan Fascism“.

When Monedero tries to interrupt him, the dictator thinks that it is a “very interesting question, because people like this spiritual subject. Especially in Venezuela, where people are very Christian and very noble.”

Nicolás Maduro also explains that he knows the Spanish news through media such as The world and SPANISH.These are two far-right newspapers.” Juan Carlos Monedero hastens to clarify, who also explains that the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, “In his youth he was a Falangist, the party that fired on the Republicans at dawn.“.

“I didn’t know this gossip,” the dictator says, surprising me. “Yes, yes, she was a Falangist,” insists the founder of Podemos, “and now, as an adult, she belongs to the Popular Party. Deep down, they are Falangists, of course, there is no doubt about that.”

But Maduro keeps coming back to his obsession with Elon Musk: “Who turned a salesman into a hot dogs from Pretoria, South Africa, to become the world’s greatest tycoon?” he asks the audience at the meeting. “He comes from a country where was trained in Nazi ideology of the apartheid. “He owns Twitter, he owns 6,000 satellites, what country has 6,000 satellites today?”

And then he tells an apocryphal anecdote: “When they carried out the coup against Evo Morales [en Bolivia]Elon Musk came out and said, ‘I did the coup, for lithium, and I can overthrow any government I want.‘”.

The dictator maintains at all times that the situation that Venezuela is suffering is the fault of the interference of the United States, a country that, according to him, has “the monopoly of machines producing the entire Internet“.

“The machines that produce the Internet”

“If you go to Japan or Siberia and connect to a Wi-Fi account, the Internet that reaches you that far away comes from American machines,” he explains. “I know you didn’t know this information,” he adds, addressing the audience.

And he poses a new scenario: “Imagine that in Venezuela we have the machine that produces the Internet“What would we do? Democratize communication,” announces the Venezuelan dictator.

Nicolás Maduro also assures that the United States has “factories of influencers and bot farms” that attack Chavistas on social media. “When I post a message on TikTok,” he complains, “They send me 100,000 robots to destroy the video“.

In his conversation with Monedero, Maduro alludes to another of his obsessions, the new Argentine president, Javier Milei, whom he claims “is a sadistic sociopathwhose dream is to establish an authoritarian system with fascist connotations.”

“Congratulations, President!”

At the beginning of the meeting, Monedero had greeted Nicolas Maduro with great effusion: “First of all, congratulations, as president, the Superior Court of Justice said so.”

Monedero is thus referring to the resolution published last Wednesday by the Venezuelan TSJ (appointed by the Chavista regime itself), which proclaimed Maduro the winner of the presidential elections of 28-J, despite the fact that no democracy on the planet has recognized this result.

After the elections, the Maduro government intensified repression and increased violence. arrests of opposition leaders and protesters who took to the streets to protest against electoral fraud.

Shortly before saying goodbye to the meeting with Monedero, the Venezuelan dictator very opportunely quotes the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt, author of The origins of totalitarianism: “The constant lie is not intended to make people believe a lie, but make sure that no one believes in anything anymore“.

He UN Human Rights Council He warned Thursday of the lack of impartiality and independence of the TSJ and the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, which proclaimed Maduro’s victory.

Both organizations are controlled by Chavismo and their senior officials have participated in the repression against opponents, the UN warns.

The Carter Center, which acted as an election observer at the invitation of the Maduro regime, also determined that the elections were held without transparency and cannot guarantee their outcome.




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