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HomeLatest NewsVenezuelan opposition leader Julio Borges accuses Zapatero of being behind Edmundo González's...

Venezuelan opposition leader Julio Borges accuses Zapatero of being behind Edmundo González’s exile to “remove pressure on Maduro”

Amidst the tensions inside and outside Venezuela, the debate continues regarding the departure of Edmundo González. In this sense, the exiled politician Julio Borges has made some statements on Colombian television in which he refers to the role played by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Borges explained that he was to be head of the delegation in a negotiation in the Dominican Republic for the last presidential elections, where the mediator was Zapatero, alongside Jorge Rodríguez for the Maduro government and Delcy Rodríguez. And he clarified that after refusing to sign The deal sparked a chase. Its rejection led to five arrest warrants, the loss of his home and the murder of his right-hand man. “I am exiled from Venezuela by Rodriguez Zapatero”, condemned.

In addition, he clarified that his entourage also suffered persecution, lost their property and had to leave Venezuela. “And that, in my case, is not only called Nicolás Maduro, but Zapatero.”

Borges emphasizes that it is the same mechanism that they addressed Edmundo González. “Once again, the bad cop comes to Edmundo González, Jorge Rodríguez threatens him and Zapatero’s role is to try to relieve Maduro by taking González, but once again, it is a very very perverse piece“And he notes that the current Spanish government has a lot to explain about this process and the entry of the Rodriguez family into the embassy.

For the Venezuelan politician, a clarification is urgent, because he emphasizes that all this did not happen in full transparency and in broad daylight, publicly, but at night, hidden, where they were recorded and forced to sign a document. And in which finally, “González was surreptitiously taken to Spain,” he indicates.

“East a very dark film. But ultimately, it indicates a level of complicity and a level of management by Zapatero of Maduro’s interests that is truly shameful,” he said.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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