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HomeTechnologyVenezuelan women remain at the forefront of science and technology

Venezuelan women remain at the forefront of science and technology

Dr. Carmen Virginia Liendo, Vice Minister of Research and Generation of Scientific Knowledge, Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, participated in the program “Mujeres En Ruta”, broadcast by Radio Miraflores, where she shared information about the participation of Venezuelan women in scientific, technological and innovation processes.

During the radio program, led by Maryorie Leal and Paulina Moreno of the Manuelita Sáenz Women’s Movement, Vice Minister Liendo recognized the effort and dedication of Venezuelan researchers and scientists in formulating and executing their projects aimed at improving the areas of health, energy and the environment, food sovereignty, among others.

“Women’s participation has increased; “All this is the product of a policy of the Bolivarian government,” he said.

He said that through the Venezuelan Registry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Recitven), of the National Observatory of Science and Technology (Oncti), more than 34,300 researchers, technologists and scientific technologists have been registered in the country.

“Of these 34,300 registered people, 17,719, or 51.7%, are women. This makes our country, Venezuela, the fourth country in Latin America with researchers at the head, responsible for research projects in different research centers, universities, etc.,” he explained.

He said that “women play a leading role in this national system of science, technology and innovation.”

He added that the ministry has developed a series of programs such as “Women, Innovation is in IT”, which includes training activities mainly related to information and communication technologies.

“Very timely at this time, with everything that is happening with these attacks on cybersecurity,” said Vice Minister Liendo.

“We, from the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology (Mincyt), have the Organic Law of Science, Technology and Innovation, and in this law we have some articles whose idea is to generate, promote and stimulate the participation of women in the scientific, technological and innovation context.

He clarified that this impulse is given from a very young age through the National Program of Scientific Nurseries “to promote, encourage and motivate our young people from a very young age to study science”, as guided by the Bolivarian government through the Great Mission of Science, Technology and Innovation “Dr. Humberto Fernández-Morán”.

Communication Management Office of the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology / Journalist: Vanessa Gutiérrez.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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