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HomeBreaking NewsViolent gang fight ends with young man semi-amputee and stabbed in the...

Violent gang fight ends with young man semi-amputee and stabbed in the back in Vallecas

The National Police is investigating a fight that occurred in the district of Vallecas Bridge and is looking for the perpetrators of a machete attack on a 33-year-old Ecuadorian. As reported by a spokesman for the National Police, the events took place at number 5 Peña Gorbea Street on Sunday, August 25, around 9 p.m.

Apparently, as reported by police sources, at the above-mentioned address, a fight took place involving knives, machetes and sticks. Upon arrival, the emergency services found the victim of the attack with the half-amputated little finger and two stab wounds in the back, as reported by a spokesman for the Madrid emergency room. However, the same sources specify that none of the injuries were serious. The patient was then transferred to the Gregorio Marañón Hospital.

The perpetrators of the attack fled the scene on electric scooters, but the National Police managed to find and arrest three people involved in the fight, aged 14, 18 and 21, although they were not the ones who stabbed the young man. They are accused of rioting.

This matter is in the hands of the Provincial Information Brigade from the Madrid Police Headquarters, It is therefore not excluded that it is A new fight between Latino gangswhich would be added to others they had in Madrid and, more specifically, in the Vallecas region.

Summer of Fights

This summer was marked by an increase in fights in the streets of Madrid, some featuring Latino gangs, like this one. Another event also took place in Puente de Vallecas, last Saturday, August 24, and resulted in three injuries, all by knife wounds.

The SAMUR Civil Protection doctors attended, on the one hand, a 21-year-old man injured in the neck and that when the paramedics arrived, He was bleeding profusely from his neck.. After being stabilized, he was transferred in serious condition to the 12 de Octubre hospital.

Another young man, also aged 21, had an injury to his nose and eyelid.. Likewise, he was transferred to the same hospital in a potentially serious condition. Finally, we witnessed a 34 year old man with cuts on his hand.

The fight happened on Friday night. and SAMUR health workers treated these three people on Sierra del Valle StreetThe Municipal Police officers collaborated in the situation, while the National Police Corps took charge of the investigation into the event.




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