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HomeLatest NewsVisiting Elcano, an act of resistance

Visiting Elcano, an act of resistance

Those of us who defend a Constitutional Catalonia and loyal to Spain as a nation of free and equal citizens, we are in a crisis. And the investiture of Salvador Illa as president of the Generality This is bad news. We have a Government separatist of CFP, This will continue with the policy of linguistic supremacism of Esquerra Republicana and its spread abroad in Catalonia as was born oppressed by a wicked Spain. And since the president of the region is a socialist, many progressive from the rest of Spain will buy damaged goods from the “end of the process”.

and the process is not finished, it has entered a new stage in which the CPS will do what it wants. MRC either Together cannot do: finish dismantling what remains of the presence of the State in Catalonia. Little by little we will see how Civil Guard will see the few remaining powers transferred to Mossos d’Esquadra, how the General Directorate of the National Police of Vía Layetana will be transformed into a center for complaints of torture against the Spanish police and the barracks will be closed one by one, until there is only a witness presence of ours Armed Forces

In this context, we are left with only Non-separatist Catalans show, whenever we have the opportunity, our adherence to the Constitutional Spain. And fortunately, Pedro Sánchez has not yet managed to end the presence of the armed forces in Catalonia. And he has not vetoed – at least for the moment – the presence of the training ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano in Barcelona. And it will soon visit the Catalan capital for the Copa América. The ship’s crew will carry out a program of events, visiting emblematic places in the Catalan capital. In addition, children from the San Juan de Dios Hospital will visit the ship.

But the best thing is that citizens who wish to do so will be able to visit this Navy training ship in Barcelona, ​​as is the tradition when it stops in a port, and always with great success among the public. Even if the separatist propaganda, whether Basque or Catalan, persists in ranting against our soldiers, every time an activity is organized in Catalonia or the the Basque Country with the involvement of the military, it is a success. If there is a stay of the Army, in a Fair dedicated to professional opportunities, is one of the most visited. If there is a concert of a military musical unit, the room is full. There are some open days in a barracks, it is filled with visitors eager to enjoy the latest news from our Army.

And of course, when the Juan Sebastian de Elcano opens its doors to the citizens, the success is incredible. Not only because of the affection that we Spaniards have for our soldiers, but also because this ship is very beautiful, it is history I live in our country and the crew is always very friendly. So, if you want to visit it in Barcelona, ​​take note. If there are no last minute changes, there will be open days for the public at the following times: Monday September 9 (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.); Tuesday September 10 (2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.); Wednesday from September 11 (09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 20:00); Thursday September 12 (2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and Friday September 13 (2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.).

The visits will be organized on this link:

Places are limited and the visit is absolutely free. Do it to support our Army, for the cultural value of the ship and as an act of resistance against those who want to end the ties that unite Catalonia with the rest of Spain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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