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HomeLatest NewsVolunteer firefighter arrested for lighting fires to feel 'useful'

Volunteer firefighter arrested for lighting fires to feel ‘useful’

It was not about historical border wars, or stubble growing out of control, or a desire to cause damage. The arsonist in this case was seeking to “feel useful”This is what the Civil Guard is highlighting after the arrest of a volunteer firefighter for his alleged connection with several forest fires this summer.

The events date back to August 27, when fires broke out in the area of Santa María del Tiétar (Ávila) and Rozas de Puerto Real (Madrid) in areas of scrubland and wooded areas, about a hundred meters from a monastery and close to private farms. The action of the extinguishing means succeeded in stopping the spread of the flames, at a time of great danger, and they only destroyed 2.6 hectares.

As with any fire, the corresponding investigative work was carried out to determine the cause, which quickly highlighted the intentionality and an image of a vehicle with “singular” characteristics could be seen near the place of origin of the fires, which led to the arrest, resident of the town of Sotillo de la Adrada.

He did not admit to lighting the fuse, but the “evidence” found and the statements of witnesses led the Civil Guard to also investigate him for causing the forest fires that led to the fire. “intention of being able to go towards them to extinguish them with their colleagues”.

Knowing the access to places, roads and highways in the region, the volunteer firefighter He had begun to adopt measures to avoid surveillance systems or the Civil Guard, changing his routine to try not to be detected at certain times and days near places where the mountain was on fire.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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