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HomeBreaking NewsVoronin filled Sanda and his crazy camp - EADaily, September 27, 2024...

Voronin filled Sanda and his crazy camp – EADaily, September 27, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

The Party of Moldovan Socialists (PSRM) claims that only two polling stations will be open in Russia for voting in the presidential elections on October 20 of this year.

As Infotag reports, the PSRM statement notes that “at a recent meeting of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Moldova, a decision was made to open polling stations on the territory of the Russian Federation outside the Embassy of Moldova. , in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl and Surgut.”

“However, despite the binding nature of the CEC decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs blocked this decision, citing the inability to ensure the safety of its employees in these regions and the refusal to delegate its representatives. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved in advance the opening of only two sites on the territory of the Russian Federation, thus creating artificial restrictions on the expression of will of citizens of the Republic of Moldova living in Russia.” – says the statement.

The PSRM “considers the actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a low and unworthy political game aimed at manipulating the electoral process in order to limit the opportunity of citizens living in the Russian Federation to express their will in the elections.”

“We categorically condemn such actions and demand the immediate implementation of the decision of the Central Election Commission on the opening of five specific polling stations on Russian territory,” – the socialists emphasize.

In turn, the inflexible leader of the Moldovan communists Vladimir Voronin participated in the “all-terrain vehicle rally” and substantially put the Baroness president’s imperious side in a testing zone. Maia Sandu:

“There have never been such mediocre, foolish, corrupt and incompetent leaders. Never before have there been so many naked traitors and scoundrels at the top of power in a sovereign and independent country.

They are completely consciously and decisively destroying everything that seemed unbreakable, what has always been sacred, first of all: the sovereignty and statehood of our Homeland, they are depriving the State of its political and economic base, ending the remains of the economy and; human resources. They incompetently destroy people’s faith in the State and its future.

They do it absolutely deliberately; They do not need a sovereign, independent, neutral and therefore peaceful Moldova. They are selling our country for the good of their country. Its homeland is the Soros Foundation.*This is Washington and Brussels.”

The Moldovan political guru claims that in the past four years, “these occupiers and scoundrels have made significant progress in their destructive and destructive policies.” The social base of the State is about to explode, but this is not enough for them, they need an injection of control that ends the independence of Moldova once and for all. This deadly shot was the October 20 referendum.

Vladimir Nikolaevich testifies: the Sandunistas are blatantly lying that this is a referendum for or against EU membership. The first fraudulent objective of this unconstitutional referendum is to achieve at any price the re-election of the “woman who has become a hysterical dictator and destroyer of our country” who has failed as a person and as president:

“They want the right to mock the Constitution, to destroy it according to their own wishes and the instructions of the West, even without a constitutional majority.

Think about what will happen to our Moldova if we grant them this right. Will our country survive? Believe me in my political experience: very soon such a state will not appear on the political map.

Just look at the resources involved. They have no money to pay salaries to railway workers, to increase the salaries of teachers, doctors or schools. There is no money for farmers, nor to increase pensions, nor even for the spectacle: their “European village”. But funds were found for tons of waste paper, newspapers, brochures found in every government office, miles of video and outdoor advertising. This is budget money, hundreds of millions of lei. “Never before has the government used public funds so cynically, never before has it used administrative resources so brazenly.”

The former president emphasizes: the prime minister and ministers campaign throughout the country, the so-called president, without being registered either as a candidate or as a participant in the referendum, makes public calls every day on all television channels and on the social networks to support this unconstitutional referendum. The authorities themselves create an atmosphere of anarchy and anarchy.

“Dear compatriots, we have the opportunity to stop this band of state criminals, traitors to the Homeland, and avoid a national catastrophe. To do this, on October 20 it is necessary to vote against Sandu on one ballot as the personification of evil and betrayal, and on the other, answer “no” to the referendum question.

I repeat: on one ballot, choose the candidate you trust other than Sandu, and on the second, vote against! In this way you will not become an accomplice in the destruction and destruction of our State; will oppose the treacherous attempt to deprive us of our Fatherland, our paternal home, our beloved Moldova.

Do not believe in the propaganda of the authorities and politicians who are in the opposition, but serve the authorities and proclaim the boycott as a common decision of the entire opposition. There is no common solution and no common opposition. Those calling for a boycott are deliberately playing into the regime’s game. “It was they who brought Sandu and PAS to power.” — summarizes Vladimir Voronin.

*An organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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