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Vox allies with the left to limit the PP’s intervention time in the Cortes of Aragon

He PP will be reduced in this new political course your response time in the Cortes of Aragon after an initiative of Voicewith which he staged his role as a hardline opposition, in a maneuver within the Council of Spokespersons in which he allied himself with the entire left. “Before we were in government,” Vox spokesman Alejandro Nolasco tried to justify the boycott of the popular, in what is a declaration of intentions for the coming months and, above all, for the approval of next year’s budgets.

With the hangover of a broken government still for those of Vox (in Aragon they did not want to leave), Alexandre Nolasco He faces the challenge of standing out in the opposition, opting for a tougher and less conciliatory attitude than that of Santiago Morón.

In this sense, Nolasco assumed the role of leader in an implacable opposition to the Popular Party, renouncing his commitment after his resignation to give “his support” and “not to be destructive.” Thus, the fierce struggle that existed between PP and Vox in the offices of the autonomous government was transferred to the Cortes of Aragon.

Less time for the PP in the Cortes

From now on, the intervention time of the Government and the PP in the Cortes of Aragon will be deducted from the same marker, which will considerably reduce the minutes of the trials. popular in the foreground and, with it, the ability to present parliamentary initiatives.

A change that they did not propose when they were in government and which The PP does not see things correctlysince they defend that the government of Jorge Azcón and the parliamentary group popular These are two different issues, since the government cannot present initiatives. And the fact is that, from now on, in the sessions where there will be interventions by the Executive, the PP will find itself practically without the possibility of proposing parliamentary initiatives.

Vox’s change of mind is simply due, as Nolasco explained this Thursday, to the fact that before they were “to the government“. Nolasco defended that they had decided to change “unfair things”. “Before, I didn’t really know how it worked; the parliament is the opposition chamber” he argued.

PP to request legal report

The PP spokesman, Fernando Ledesmadoes not agree with the decision taken jointly by Vox and the left (only the PAR abstained from voting for it). For what you asked a legal report to see if Vox’s interpretation of the Article 115 is right, suspecting that this initiative does not comply with the regulations. An answer that will be known in the next 15 days, that is, before the next meeting of the spokespeople, because the people are not willing to “give up their rights.”

For their part, those of Vox consider that the popular “They try to keep quiet CONTESTATION” and that they should have “greater respect for democracy,” since “all groups found that it was a good thing because it is a fair distribution of voting time.” A “mathematical” distribution, he added, so that plenary sessions last a maximum of eight hours.

More time for the opposition

What are the real consequences of the initiative approved by the Cortes? With this maneuver, Vox will not take full advantage of the time it will have due to the lack of initiatives and questions presented. Rather, Yes, the PSOE will do..

On the other hand, those of the PP, who had initially proposed the defense of five non-legal proposals (PnL), will only be able to present one, after the reduction of the available time, and it will be that of autonomous financingsince most of the time they have will be taken up by the intervention of the President of the Government, Jorge Azcón.

However, the PP reminds Vox that the new position of “pure opposition” is not real, since those of Abascal maintain Marta Fernandez in the figure of the Presidency of the Cortes, the second authority of Aragon.

However, things would have to change a lot for the position occupied by Marta Fernández to change color, because to do so, the regulations would have to be changed. This is something that Chunta Aragonesista ” will be raised in the next plenary session without any sign of success, since the Executive of Azcón strongly defends the distinction between the institutions and, therefore, the separation between “the executive power of the Parliament.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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