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Vox asks Moreno “not to be so loyal” to Sánchez and shares his frontal rejection of the “harmful separatist quota”

The spokesperson for the Vox parliamentary group, Manuel Gavira, This Monday, he found meeting points with the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno. Both expressed their rejection of the single financing for Catalonia that the representative of Santiago Abascal’s party described as “separatist quota”This was transmitted to journalists after the meeting held at the San Telmo Palace (seat of the Regional Presidency) within a series of meetings that Moreno holds with political groups after his meeting with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who did not communicate any specific commitments.

At the press conference that followed, Gavira asked Moreno not to trust the president of the Central Executive and “Don’t fall into the socialist trap” in reference to a possible bilateral negotiation on the reform of regional financing. When asked if he thought that the Andalusian president should not have attended the meeting in La Moncloa last Friday, he replied that Moreno “You tried to be loyal to someone who is disloyal and the result was not what you expected.“, which is why he asked him “not to be so loyal” to Sánchez, who “is not afraid to sacrifice equality and solidarity and, later, the unity of the Nation.”

That said, the regional deputy of Vox shares with Moreno his concern about the fiscal independence of Catalonia agreed between the PSC and the ERC. “We share that This quota targets Spain and the poorest part of our territory, namely Andalusia.“.

Vox went further than the PP and is against the current model of autonomous state established by the Spanish Constitution of 1978 because “it generates inequalities between all Spaniards and Vox believes in a model where there are no privileges,” assured this parliamentarian.

Gavira asked Moreno to “Don’t use the separatist quota to justify your mismanagement of public services” nor to carry out “any type of mobilization” of a “partisan” nature, although he said that the Andalusian president had not spoken to him about any type of mobilization against this “harmful separatist quota.”

Manuel Gavira assumes that the PP wants to replace Sánchez with Alberto Núñez Feijóo to end up “doing the same thing” and implementing similar policies.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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