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Vox asks the Government to summon the Moroccan ambassador to arrest the assassins of Barbate

Vox has requested in writing that the Government summon the Moroccan ambassador to Spain, Karima Benyaichto “exert diplomatic pressure” with the aim of proceeding “with the arrest of the criminal who murdered the civil guards in Barbate,” Vox’s spokesperson told Congress on Tuesday, Pepa Millanfrom the press room of the Lower House.

The deputy of the training which directs Santiago Abascal The government was disgraced by its inability to “lift a finger” to launch an operation to arrest the suspect in the killing of the two Benemérita agents despite “the titanic control of the state.”

Millán criticized the Sanchista executive branch for not acting to arrest the alleged perpetrators of the double murder of the civil guards in Barbate in February. All this “even if this person is located by the UCO, knowing that he is hidden in a coastal city” in Morocco, affirmed the representative of Vox. The spokesperson of the formation based in Calle de Madrid Bamboo He also criticized the Moroccan authorities: “They do not lift a finger to arrest the perpetrator of the crime because of the preferential treatment he receives, as he has good relations with the regime of Mohamed VI“.

The Vox representative pointed out the “absolute submission of the PSOE to Morocco” as the main problem. “This is demonstrated even in extremes like this,” he lamented.

In turn, the deputy from Córdoba criticized the fact that “Sánchez talks about good neighborly relations with Morocco” and that he boasts “of permanently releasing money to Morocco from Spain, from Spain. European Union“.

Millán stressed that, however, “what exists here is a system of extortion where Morocco commands and Sánchez also obeys.” “In a case like this, the government also remains silent,” lamented the Bambú party deputy. For this reason, he argued that it was necessary to take the decision to call the Moroccan ambassador to Spain: “We are going to urge the government in writing to summon the Moroccan ambassador to exert the necessary diplomatic pressure to achieve the arrest of this criminal who ended the lives of two agents in our territory.”

Murdered by drug traffickers

On February 9, two Civil Guard agents were murdered in the port of Barbate (Cádiz), after a drug boat crashed into a boat from the GEAS of the Civil GuardThe attackers also seriously injured another police officer who fell into a coma and had his arm amputated.

That night, several drug trafficking boats approached the port of Barbate to wait for the weather in the Strait of Gibraltar to improve. The Civil Guard was sent to the scene to identify the people on board. All the boats left the area, except one. It was this one that, in its flight, ended up hitting the Civil Guard boat.

The difference between the two ships was considerable. The drug boat was about 14 meters long and had almost 300 horsepower. For its part, the Civil Guard boat was a zodiac of about six meters and 80 horsepower.

He lost his life as a result of this accident. Miguel Ángel González Gómeza 39-year-old civil guard, had a partner and a daughter. His funeral took place in Cadiz, since the agent was a civil servant from San Fernando, a city in the province.

The funeral of the other agent took place in Pamplona, David Perez Carracedo. He was originally from Barcelona, ​​married and the father of two children. The widow of the member of the Civil Guard prevented Minister Marlaska from presenting a decoration medal to her late husband during the funeral.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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