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HomeLatest NewsVox calls PP's proposal to declare migration emergency a "ceremony of confusion"

Vox calls PP’s proposal to declare migration emergency a “ceremony of confusion”

Vox announced this Saturday in Salou (Tarragona) at the beginning of the course Catalan politician who will not support the Popular Party’s motion to declare a state of emergency on immigration, which he considers a “hoax” and a “ceremony of confusion”, which will be presented next week to Congress. The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascalexplained that his group would not support the PP motion because it is “a deception for the Spanish” According to him, this means “more distribution of illegal immigrants, more spending and therefore even more scam. In this sense, the general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, stressed that “This is a political scam. His proposal does not speak of mass deportations, nor of putting an end to the irregular financing of mafias, nor of denouncing the serious problem of Islamization.“, Garriga stressed before the start of the Vox course ceremony on the proposal of the Popular Party, recalling the rupture of governments with Vox, al to abandon taking concrete measures to end the migration crisis.

Garriga highlighted the “scam” and the “confusion ceremony” that the PP poses with its Immigration motion expected in Congress next weekhighlighting, as previously stated, the PP’s “scam and confusion ceremony” regarding the immigration problem, after breaking governments with Vox, and refusing to take concrete measures to end the problem. Garriga regretted that the celebration of Alberto Núñez Feijóo does not want talking about solutions like border protection, end funding of immigration mafias and launch mass deportationsas Vox demanded on this subject.

This false plan of ““Immigration emergency” in practice means more distribution of illegal immigrants, more money and more scams. Garriga warned forcefully: “Our position is firm. Mass deportations and border control now”.

Separation of the Vox and PP governments

As previously reported, Garriga held the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, responsible. of having led to the breakup of the autonomous coalitions with Vox by not assuming “the firmness against illegal immigration” that their formation demanded, which, among other measures, proposed mass deportationss. In this sense, Santiago Abascal stressed that “our position is firm. Mass deportations and absolute control of the borders from now on.

Vox broke its government agreements with the Popular Party in six autonomies due to the Popular Party’s willingness to accept the reception of migrant minors and in the last plenary session of the Congress, it marked its distance from the group of Alberto Núñez Feijóo by preventing, with its abstention, that a PP motion against single funding for Catalonia was successful.

Furthermore, in Catalan, Garriga accused the president of the GeneralitatSalvador Illa, for having assumed “the agenda and strategy of separatists like ERC or JxCat” and warned that the Catalan executive would have “the total opposition of Vox”. According to Garriga, the government “has become the common home of separatism” by having incorporated into its ranks “prominent members of the ERC and the Junts”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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