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HomeLatest NewsVox demands Alzamora's resignation after OKDIARIO reports

Vox demands Alzamora’s resignation after OKDIARIO reports

Vox presents motions in all the municipalities of Mallorca in which it is represented demanding the immediate resignation of all public functions of the island councilor Jaume Alzamora, of the pro-independence party Més per Mallorca, after the various information published by OKDIARIO, such as the sale of his house in Artà to a German couple while advocating the ban on the sale of real estate to foreigners. Vox also highlights in the motion the “inconsistency” of the councilor in the construction of a house with a swimming pool in the municipality that has banned this type of installation due to the lack of water.

Vox claims to be presenting the motion in order to “Stop people who act with such impudence continue to exercise public responsibilities that require a minimum of consistency and ethics”

According to the Vox movement, Jaume Alzamora, current spokesman for the separatist party Més per Mallorca within the Consell of Mallorca, “has demonstrated by his actions a flagrant behaviour lack of consistency and ethics which disqualifies him from continuing to hold public office. “The most recent events reveal an insurmountable inconsistency between his personal actions and the policies he himself promotes in his political role.”

First of all, Vox recalls in its motion, “while Més per Mallorca defends the restriction of the sale of real estate to foreigners in order to combat the housing crisis in the Balearic Islands, Mr. Alzamora sold his own house to a German citizen for 650,000 euros.”

“This sale directly contradicts the measures proposed by your party to protect the citizens of the Balearic Islands from price increases caused by foreign real estate speculation,” the Vox motion continues.

In another section, Vox’s writing states the following: “This double standard is all the more serious because in addition to profiting from said sale, A chalet with swimming pool has been built in Artà, a municipality that has banned the construction of swimming pools due to lack of water derived from drought.
However, the case of Alzamora is not an isolated event in the trajectory of Més per Mallorca. “Over the years, multiple controversies have arisen that call into question the integrity of this training in urban planning.”

In reference to the “multiple controversies”, Vox recalls as an example that “during the 2020 lockdown, the government, led by the Socialist Party and with Més as an ally, approved a controversial decree for the protection of the territory that included a moratorium on the granting of building permits, supposedly to protect undeveloped areas. Despite this, the expansion of projects on rural land was authorized, which drew criticism for favoring large real estate developers while presenting themselves as defenders of the environment.

According to the Vox motion, “another aspect that deserves to be highlighted is the permissiveness shown towards illegal constructions on rural land, a problem that has reached alarming dimensions in Mallorca. According to recent data, hundreds of homes built irregularly have been regularised, affecting more than four square kilometres of rural land, which represents a strong environmental and territorial impact. Although Més per Mallorca has criticised them, the contradiction is evident when its own members, such as Alzamora, take advantage of legal loopholes to implement practical measures that are contrary to the standards they themselves defend.

For Vox, “Mr. Alzamora embodies the profile of the politician who preaches one thing in public life and acts the opposite in his private life. “This type of behaviour is unacceptable in a democracy and at a time when citizens are demanding more transparency and consistency from their representatives.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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