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HomeLatest NewsVox denounces that the Page government is "persecuting" doctors who do not...

Vox denounces that the Page government is “persecuting” doctors who do not perform abortions

Vox’s spokesperson in the Cortes of Castile-La Mancha, Iván Sánchez, regretted the persecution that the Community Council exercises over doctors in the region through the decree of the Register of conscientious objectors to health care, currently being developed by the Ministry of Health.

This draft decree requires health professionals to declare their conscientious objection in the matter of voluntary termination of pregnancy. Iván Sánchez denounced that this record represents a violation of the fundamental right to conscientious objectionand considers that subjecting doctors to prior registration in order to exercise this right is a further step towards “coercion and control” of professionals.

As ABC has repeatedly reported, elective terminations of pregnancy are not performed in public hospitals in the region because they are not practiced.All professionals are welcome to conscientious objection a “constitutionally recognized” right, reality known for decades in Castile-La Mancha.

Thus, a woman who wishes to voluntarily terminate her pregnancy in the region It can be done, but not in public hospitals, but in two joint clinics. located in Albacete and Ciudad Real. In addition, many women prefer private clinics because it is more discreet and they prefer not to go to the hospital.

But Vox claims that “this registry is nothing more than a control tool of the socialist government of Emiliano García-Page to prosecute doctors who refuse to perform abortions“said Sanchez, who considers conscientious objection to be a fundamental right that does not need to be regulated or controlled by the Administration. Iván Sánchez particularly criticized the fact that “it cannot be allowed that instead of defending doctors, the Council forces them to publicly declare their position on an issue as personal and delicate as this.”

Furthermore, he reported thatconfidentiality of the registry is not guaranteedsince the managers of the centers where voluntary terminations of pregnancy are performed will have access to this information. “We are faced with a new attempt to establish our own control system. totalitarian regimes“Sanchez warned.

Vox Castilla-La Mancha stresses that what is really necessary is not a register of opponents, but a register of professionals willing to perform abortions.

On another note, Iván Sánchez denounced the lack of professionals that the Regional Health Service is suffering by “blocking all hiring for reasons of budget execution until December 31.” This situation that, as the CSIF explains, generates “serious difficulties in all managements“, has led to a temporary reduction in disabilities, vacations or vacancies that are no longer covered,”even when refusing work permits citing service needs “and unlocks incorporations into what it considers essential services such as emergency rooms, intensive care and operating rooms.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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