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Vox denounces “the ideological indoctrination of the 2030 Agenda” in Aragon’s school textbooks

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030 impregnate the manuals in Aragon. This was reported by those of Voice This Tuesday, during a press conference at the Cortes of Aragon, stressing that both the 2030 Agenda and gender ideology and democratic memory,flood everything“In order to “put an end” to what they consider to be “dangerous ideological indoctrination”, Vox has filed a motion that seeks “neutrality”, both in the programs and in the evaluation criteria of schools.

Something that warns that this does not happen in Aragon and signals to the orders signed in July by the current Minister of Education, Tomasa Hernandezwhich could have “mitigated the indoctrinating content of the LOMLOE”. A complaint that the councilor justified during the plenary session of the Cortes precisely by emphasizing that what is contained in the programs is contained in said law, so that the area of ​​maneuver was very limited.

However, regional deputy Fermín Civiac stressed Vox’s objective of promoting “the necessary legal changes” in order to avoid “any form of bias or indoctrination” through educational content.

“We understand that these orders could have served to mitigate the indoctrinating content of LOMLOE by limiting the presence of Agenda 2030 and the gender perspective in each of the contents, and what has no justification is that the contents on democratic memory and the consideration of Catalan as the language of Aragon continue,” he stressed.

The broken pact of PP and Vox and the 2030 Agenda

In fact, this was in itself one of the points included in the governance pact between PP and Vox that they signed to access power, and which was also torn last July, where it was promised to strengthen “educational inspection“preserving the “quality of education”, “removing ideology from classrooms and allowing parents to choose their children’s education”.

An aspect that became apparent a few weeks after the start of the legislature, when in the Pignatelli press room the posters which referred to the 2030 Agenda in addition to cancelling the Commissioners of the 2030 Agenda, Children and Depopulation (created by Lambán), with which the new executive saved 221,174 eurosand this was also part of the programmatic points signed by both parties.

A topic that Vox picked up at the beginning of the school year, highlighting countless examples from Aragon’s school textbooks, where we can see how the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs articulate the theme, for example 2nd ESO booksin the subject Education in civic and ethical values ​​”as an indisputable truth”.

“No one voted on these parameters and, therefore, they are an ideology“, argued Civiac, focusing on some of the goals set by the 2030 Agenda, such as gender equality, affordable or non-polluting energy or climate action, perspectives that Vox denounces.

Agenda 2030 in Aragon’s books

However, as can be seen in some agendas, these types of topics are also presented in relation to other goals. For example, the goal of inequalities is interconnected with sexual orientation, in order to show a world map with the “Criminalization of sexual orientation in the world“, they emphasize.

One of Aragon’s school textbooks.

The same thing with “the influence of human beings on the climate change“, as stated in another of the manuals, and which are reflected in the “demonization” of other non-renewable energy sources, as well as in the “criminalization” of the combustion vehicle in favor of the bicycle, for example.

Vox’s 5 proposals

With this in mind, those at Vox have presented a Proposal of non-law in the Cortes of Aragon to urge the government of Azcón and that of Spain to fight against indoctrination. A motion that is difficult to advance in the vote now that Vox’s position is opposition, despite the fact that they are trying to repress the PP in the budget negotiationdrawing “green lines” to increase taxes on renewable energy and toughen immigration policies.

“The proposal requires immediate measures, such as action by the High educational inspection“, the return of educational powers to the State and the modification of laws and programs to guarantee ideological neutrality in education, while respecting the right of parents to choose the education of their children in accordance with their convictions,” noted Civiac.

In its proposal, the parliamentary group requests that the Cortes of Aragon urge the Government of Aragon to carry out five tasks:

  • Commit unequivocally to respecting parents’ right to choose freely the religious and moral education of their children. In accordance with their own convictions, and thus guarantee article 27 of the Spanish Constitution.
  • Adopt the necessary measures to promote the revision of the educational program. And the immediate removal of school textbooks and educational materials containing any type of indoctrination or potentially harmful content, without this implying economic harm to families.
  • Ensure that parents are aware of and agree to any sexual or ideological emotional content that their children can receive in class.
  • Implement a anonymous reporting channel. This allows families to report any attack against what is established in Article 27 of our Constitution. With all legal guarantees.
  • Promote the teacher training in educational tools. This allows them to teach compulsory content from a critical and plural perspective.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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