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Vox strengthens its action against illegal immigration with the signing of police officer Samuel Vázquez as spokesperson

The fight against illegal immigration is one of the pillars of Vox’s political discourse and, also, one of the issues that has focused public debate in recent weeks, with the massive arrivals of boats on the Spanish coasts and the attempts to jump over the barriers. Ceuta and Melilla.

To reinforce his message on the subject and support it with data and experience, Santiago Abascal has decided to create a new “ad hoc” spokesperson that will be occupied by the police officer Samuel Vázquez, known for confront the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior on social media and having been sanctioned for this on several occasions.

Precisely, in June, the Central Administrative Dispute Tribunal number 2 of the National Court ruled in favor of the police officer for having criticized two Twitter Messages the poor preparation of the Director General and his counterpart of the Civil Guard. The court annulled the sanction imposed on him by the Ministry of the Interior, leaving him without a job or salary for 3 months on the grounds that he had not committed any offence because, in addition, the statements, which were part of his freedom of expression, did not go “beyond confirming a reality”.

Samuel Vázquez, who was already an advisor to the Vox parliamentary group in Congress, will now be the party’s voice in Home Affairs, Immigration and Security in a commitment by Santiago Abascal to maintain the fight against illegal immigration as one of his main axes of political action.

This is a problem for which Vox blames the PP and the PSOE for favoring, according to them, the call effect and the irregular arrival of people in Spain. This post will be visible this week in the Congresswhere Vox has already announced that it will vote against a motion arising from the interpellation presented by the Popular Party to declare an emergency situation in matters of immigration.

The PP wants to obtain the approval of the Lower House to encourage the government, through fourteen points, to adopt a series of measures that will allow resources to be released and emergency services to be contracted in the face of the collapse of the reception systems.

The PP, “accomplice”

But for Vox, their request boils down to the demand for “more money” to welcome illegal immigrants, more staff to welcome them, “more of a pull effect” or even “massive regularization”.The PP participates in the PSOE policy“, denounced this Monday the national spokesperson of Vox, José Antonio Fúster, during a press conference.

At the same time, those of Abascal will redouble their parliamentary action against illegal immigration with a battery of proposals that range from the demand for “immediate repatriation” of all persons in an irregular situation to monitor the register or to ask the town halls or autonomous communities that volunteer to build reception centres for immigrants or unaccompanied minors.

In the Senate, he has already presented a motion in which he demands a strengthening of immigration controls at all Spanish borders and the design of a national plan to combat and eradicate the mafias dedicated to human trafficking.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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