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HomeLatest NewsWaiting in Marín before the arrival of the Princess of Asturias

Waiting in Marín before the arrival of the Princess of Asturias

Even though she joins this Thursday as another student, the arrival of the Princess of Asturias, Leonor of Bourbon and Ortizat the Naval Military School of Marín (Pontevedra) is quite an event. Following the legacy of her father, King Felipe VI, the first-born begins the second stage of her military training after passing through the Military Academy of Zaragoza, which will conclude the next academic year (2025-2026) at the General Academy of the Army. Air of San Javier.

The Minister of Defense, Marguerite Roblesvisited the Naval Academy yesterday on the occasion of the arrival of the heiress, where she was able to see the facilities first-hand, in addition to consulting the teaching program and highlighting the importance of her most anticipated incorporation, that of the Princess of Asturias.

“As Minister of Defense, I feel very proud that the Princess of Asturias carries out this military training, essential and fundamental because it carries within it a series of values, commitment to citizens, loyalty, love for Spain and leadership that is mvery important for who will be the future head of state” Robles said.

“Call effect”

The arrival of Princess Leonor also means “a call effect for our young people“Let them know that serving Spain in the Armed Forces is something very important,” added the Minister of Defense, who had the opportunity to greet some of the students who have begun to arrive in the city of Pontevedra since August 19. A regime, he continued, “demanding and demanding,” but which, at the same time, highlights the the “pride” felt by their peers to “be part of this great family that is the Navy”.

Accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral General Antonio Piñeiro, the Minister of Defense visited the sports facilities, the dining room, the student barracks and the navigation simulator, where, according to Robles, “They gave him a bad sea and he got dizzy“He also appreciated the work of the Navy and the quality of the training at the Naval Military School of Marín, where More than 600 national students will be trained with 23 international students from eight countries and volunteer Navy reservists. The Minister of Defense also highlighted the pride of belonging to the Spanish Navy, “which has written great pages of history and which, in the current difficult times, is very committed to peace in different missions,” she concluded.

Reception among the honors

Unlike those who will be her companions from today, who have said goodbye to their family and friends with hugs, affection, emotion and tears, the Princess of Asturias will be present this afternoon, as expected, alone. For his part, King Felipe VI will be in Barcelona to participate in the America’s Cup, according to the royal family’s schedule.

Upon your arrival, Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz will be received with the honors corresponding to her title of Princess of Asturias. Later, he will sign the School’s book of honor and carry out a series of activities, as confirmed on Thursday by the commander, Captain Pedro Cardona.

However, once incorporated, the heir to the throne She will be “just another student” who will have to face a “strict diet and boarding school”in Cardona’s words. There, she will stay in a shared room with four other students from the school, with a strict schedule according to the discipline and values ​​promoted by the Army. The Princess of Asturias will join as a first-year cadet and, during the first months, she will be in Marín, under “the same regime as her companions” and, later, she will embark on the training ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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