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Warning of hidden dangers for do-it-yourself car washes: what should you look out for?

Self-service car washes have long been popular among motorists. But despite the obvious advantages of saving time and money, this method can carry hidden dangers for the machine.

Oku.AzAccording to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russian car expert Igor Boyarsky spoke about what to look for when using self-service car washes.

According to him, first of all, water quality plays a fundamental role.

“Hard or mixed water, especially hot water and high pressure water, can have a negative effect on the condition of the car. It can damage the paint layer and accelerate corrosion,” he said.

The expert also urged caution when using harsh brushes or abrasive materials.

“Sand and other particles on them can cause scratches and friction on the car body,” he said.

Boyarski said high water pressure can also cause problems.

“High pressure water can damage seals and rubber, which can lead to leaks and other problems in the future.”

The expert warned that poor drainage systems in some car washes could lead to water stagnating in hard-to-reach areas such as wheel arches or floors, increasing the risk of corrosion.

“Using foaming cleaners or detergents without rinsing thoroughly can also damage the paint finish,” she added.

“In addition, when using self-service car washes, dirt residues can remain in hard-to-reach places, for example around the brake caliper or on the suspension. This can lead to corrosion and other problems in the long term,” the expert warns.

He urged to pay attention to the quality of water, materials and equipment used when using self-service car washes, as well as to carefully clean hard-to-reach places. According to the expert, this is the only way to minimize possible damage and keep your car in excellent condition.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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