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HomeWas there an IDF operation in Syria? Analysis by Yigal Levin

Was there an IDF operation in Syria? Analysis by Yigal Levin

Military analyst Yigal Levin spoke on his Telegram channel about recent information spread in the media about the alleged operation of Israeli commandos in a Syrian missile factory.

Yigal Levin wrote about this on his Telegram channel.

Levin stresses that such rumors are often riddled with exaggeration, ranging from reports of captured Iranians to accusations of firefights with Russian troops. However, as the analyst notes, “tales are tales, but facts are facts.”

Israel and Syria have been in conflict since 1948, when Syria attacked Israel. Numerous operations, raids and military actions have been carried out since then. Levin recalls that IDF raids in Syria continue to occur today. One example is an operation that was allowed to be reported on several years ago: Israeli army units entered Syrian territory, destroyed several objects in close proximity to the Syrian army, and returned. This raid was carried out with the participation of soldiers from the 1st Golani Infantry Brigade and combat engineers. As the Israeli army explained, the aim of the operation was to prepare for possible large-scale military operations.

Levin also recalled that this operation was not the only one. The previous year there was another incursion that was much less publicized because it involved more highly specialized forces and went much deeper into Syrian territory. In 2014, UN observers reported that Israeli troops crossed the Syrian border up to 10 times in one summer.

Yigal Levin notes that such operations are not uncommon, but the details of many of them remain unknown to the general public. The Israeli military carries out raids in Syria when necessary, but the nuances of these operations often remain outside the headlines.

Earlier, Kursor reported that analysts say Israel’s actions in Syria were a major blow to Iran and the Hezbollah terrorist group.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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