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“We are letting the young people down”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóoannounced that he would present this month a “comprehensive” plan for access to housing in Spain in the face of the “failure” of the government of Pedro Sanchezwhose management “made the problem worse”. Feijóo described the “difficulties” and “impossibility” of young people to access housing, stressing that his plan will include measures aimed at them because “Today” they “fail.”

“It is the young people of today who will build and defend the democracy of tomorrow. And this is why we must make an effort not to leave them at the mercy of the songs of anti-system options siren which exist in many European countries. There is no country project if young people do not have a life project”, assured Feijóo this Friday in a speech to the VI edition of the La Toja-Vínculo Atlántico Forum which is held in El Grove (Pontevedra).

The head of popular defended that the plan that his training will present will aim to “bring agility”, “expand the offer”“guarantee legal security”, “reduce urban bureaucracy” and “facilitate the possibility of access to housing which, after six years of this government, has evaporated”. “I also believe that this emergency must be addressed at a table where public, municipal, regional and central administrations, experts, banks, financial entities and all those concerned by the sector can sit,” he said. he declared.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo indicated that during these weeks they will explain this housing plan that their formation will present, emphasizing that “ambitious legal reforms must be carried out to put end the housing shortage“. “It cannot be that a finding of defect in a polygon of a general town planning plan cancels the entire general town planning plan of a city,” he explained.

“No protection for squatters”

He further stressed that these measures will be accompanied by “economic and fiscal support for those who save to buy housing” and “protection for those who comply”. “It seems reasonable to protect those who comply, whether they are owners, tenants, buyers or vulnerable,” he added.

It is for this reason that he stressed that there will not beno protection for those who occupy illegally own a house. “The criminalization of private property is a serious mistake. “Who should be prosecuted is the one who commits a crime, not the one who complies with it,” he said.

The leader of the most voted list in the last general elections accused the Sánchez Executive of “legislative incompetence” and for having applied “interventionist recipes” which “far from lowering prices, increased them precisely by discouraging greater supply”. “The government has failed and therefore the housing problems must end,” he argued.

Feijóo justified the presentation of his housing plan for this month because “the exceptional situation in terms of access to housing requires urgency.” “You can’t waitat the Conference of Presidents December”, he warned, referring to the meeting that Pedro Sánchez plans to convene in Cantabria in two months.

It is urgent to mobilize the land. It is urgent to open an exceptional period to accelerate and facilitate the construction of housing. There is an urgent need to simplify procedures to achieve this. In short, it is urgent to be clear: there is no access to housing if there is no housing,” he reiterated.

The leader of the PP defended that after six years of Sánchez’s government in Moncloa, there was “an exceptional situation” in access to housing because placing “all the responsibility, efforts and costs on owners, tenants and developers has not worked”. “On the contrary, the government’s measures have worsened the problem,” he argued.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo highlighted that in Spain the annual housing deficit is 185,000 housing units and, according to the Bank of Spain, the lack of housing in Spain couldto reach 600,000 units in 2025. “No country can resist this housing deficit, nor can broken promises solve it,” he lamented.

“I’m a ‘boomer'”

The president of popular He focused his speech on young people and compared their situation to that of their parents, who knew how to “create a personal and professional life project”, current democracy “has not yet provided answers to the problems”. very serious for them», such as access to housing.

“What am I? is now called a “baby boomer” and this condition has some disadvantages that I prefer not to go into detail about, but it also has the advantage of being able to observe life with a certain experience. And this is why I am convinced that we are letting down today’s young people”, he admitted, referring to the problem of housing, the precariousness of employment or the lack of facilities for founding a family.

Feijóo defended addressing their issues because if they didn’t, “radical forces on both sides would fill this gap.” It is for this reason that he called for working to give young people “better chances of life”. “We need to give back to young people the part of the welfare state they support so they can benefit from it too. Because there is no country project if young people do not have a life project. “It is the young people of today who will build and defend the democracy of tomorrow,” he concluded.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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