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We are losing a century

If it had not been for the persistent betrayal of the Basque Nationalist Party, the fugitive Sánchez would be exposing himself today in Congress to ridicule with his new lies. The latest, that of the immigrants: 250,000 jobs in Spain, as explained in Mauritania and on the contrary, everyone was in the street, as he acknowledged 24 hours later. In other words, another of the fallacious contradictions of this unbearable subject who, however, in the end, are always supported by the same people, the Basques of one condition or another, the pro-ETA radicals from Bildu or the voluble and melodious enjoy of the PNV.

Thanks to this, Sánchez has once again avoided his presence at the Congress of Deputies, which he no longer even goes to vote in. Aitor Esteban, this to do occurred at radical Aranist, has prevented for the moment the said president, still on the run, from justifying to all of Spain why will fill Catalonia with gold and will distribute the crumbs of a beggar in the other territories of the country. I will not insist more than on this fact: Pradales Gil East lehendakari because they support it votes bought from the PSOE; Sánchez is (still) President of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain because, among other things, add acquired places of these Basque nationalists from Pitiminí.

The Peneuvists, Still criminals, they saved a Sánchez who should have answered this question: why yesterday were all the illegal immigrants inside with jobs and salaries and today, suddenly, all still at sea? Easy: because his friend Scholz read him the manual and warned him that “nothing means that we are tough in life and that you are a pretty boy”. Of that, nothing at all. And that’s it Scholz He has two electoral nominations this Sunday of extraordinary importance. They are Thuringia and especially SaxonyFederal states where the Chancellor’s SPD will achieve one of those historic successes, so much so that the most precious of polls gives it a prodigious seven percent of the vote! This in the two states that open the polls this weekend.

A few days later, elections were also called in another state, Brandenburg, where until now a socialist governs, dark type of surname Woidke (big in Spanish, although he is an ascetic) who, in all likelihood, will be relegated to second or third position by the Alternative for Germany, like its predecessors today. And let’s not be mistaken; the very right-wing AfD is not pro-Nazi, it is directly pro-Putin, so let’s all take note of that.

Excuse this German digression, which is useful to understand that Scholz’s shirt cannot reach his body with the big question that is being resolved in all these elections: immigration. Germany, which is currently governed by the decadent tripartite of the Social Democrats, mind you, the Liberals and the Greens, has already decided that there will be no more concessions to illegal immigration, that all those who arrive (Many people are already arriving in Germany), they will have to do it with their ID in their mouth. Exactly as it sounds, even if it looks bad.

Scholz sent the message to his compatriot Sánchez, for whom he has less respect every day, and disfigured the behavior and bluff of the two hundred and fifty thousand initiates. Since this guy gives him eight or eighty because he lacks principles and foundations, he replied without breaking a sweat: “Well, come on, let the clandestine come back to your house.”

Montepio’s problems are mounting for Sánchez and all scandals it fits in a day, but he does not flinch because he has the beggars at his side who squeeze him mercilessly. But believe it or not, some of them are starting to get tired of the Sanchista society. On these dates, this chronicler received a document signed by a Peneueista always very visible who, after verifying that his usual party had prevented Sanchez justify to Congress his lukewarm position on what happened in Venezuela, he wrote to the spokesman, Aitor Esteban, in Parliament in this way: “I do not understand the absolute submission to the sheller Sánchez. Where did Sánchez trap a part of the Party? That is, Party, with all possible capital letters.

Something similar happens with the annoy the Catalan separatistspart of which, Together, Nor have they managed this week to convince the President of the Kingdom of Spain to explain to their honours what his economic agreement is about. Esquerra in Catalonia. In other words: one faction of the separatists signs a pact that declares the region economically and fiscally independent, and the other waives such an agreementSo they are fighting to see now, and in a few days, who will appropriate the first Diada of S.Alvador Illa.

What remains is what most specialists in Spain and also many Europeans appreciate: what was agreed between ERC and Illa This is a great gift for Catalonia and a kick in the mouth for the rest of Spain. Sánchez is hiding, but one day he will reappear in Congress to, with one of his usual vain excuses, hide his grievances and present himself as the great man who helped end no less than 310 years of “political conflict” between Catalonia and Spain!

The socialists now speak directly of a “conflict” between the two parties and, furthermore, and more abundantly, they associate themselves with the clash between Catalans and Spaniards as if during all these three centuries, those who were born in Catalonia without separatist obedience could not have been, or even felt, Spanish.

Sanchez filled with gold to the old Principality and promised that it would rain crumbs of euros for the rest of the country. A scandal of planetary proportions that the fugitive from Moncloa does not care about. In a natural and decent democracy, what was signed by Sánchez would already have a criminal treatment before the corresponding Supreme Court, here, everything seems usual, tolerable because Spain flattened and asleep He is not aware of what they are doing to him. This infamous leader no longer moves the Spanish opposition, he has thrown in the towel and no longer expects anything from the immediate future. Sánchez has not anesthetized the country, he has injected it with the most paralyzing medicine that can be invented. So we are; His innumerable misdeeds are assimilated by the national metabolism. We are losing a century.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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