Friday, September 20, 2024 - 12:32 pm
HomeTop Stories"We can't talk about them as if they were rats."

“We can’t talk about them as if they were rats.”

Pepe Luis Vázquez reacted to the latest statements by Pedro Sanchez and the PP on migrationemphasizing that we participate”some plot twists by both major parties.”

The journalist stressed that the President of the Government is right when he says thatand migration is not the problem“The problem is disorderly migration that cannot be managed because territories like the Canary Islands or Ceuta do not have sufficient resources,” he stressed.

Thus, Vázquez indicated that “there is no consensus” with the autonomous communities “a fair and equitable distribution accompanied by a series of policies” so that they can provide coverage to these migrants.

He therefore indicated that, although we must talk about “mafias that engage in human trafficking and terrorist groups that take advantage of these migratory flows to try to introduce crime and terror to our borders”, the journalist made it clear that we should not lose sight of the fact that the majority of people who come are migrants fleeing hunger.

“We can’t treat them like rats.”he stressed. In addition, he acknowledged that in Spain, fortunately, there is work. “The majority of migrants are willing to accept jobs that are not one hundred percent decent,” he said, stressing that they have the right to “respect.”

Vázquez asked the politicians:more viewing height” and that they “raise the debate”, ensuring that greater consensus is needed and that they study what measures can be implemented.




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