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“We don’t move a president”

The environment of Pedro Sanchez does not consider it desirable or reasonable to launch a political operation aimed at expelling has Emiliano García-Page of the General Secretariat of the PSOE of Castile-La Mancha. An internal movement which no one has launched it since Ferraz, at least until nowand this will have to be finalized in view of the Regional Congress that the Socialists of Castile-La Mancha will organize on January 18 and 19 in Toledo.

Even if the possibility of trying to oust the most critical baron is on the table through the primaries, which should be called if more than one candidate for the post of regional secretary obtains the endorsements to do so, all sources close to Ferraz and de la Moncloa consulted by EL ESPAÑOL -LE CLM DIGITAL coincide and convey the same message: The replacement of Page does not make sense today and “Sánchez does not intend to make this internal movement” in Castilla-La Manchadespite the deep disagreements and public confrontations of the two socialist leaders.

Page has in his favor, in this sense, not only to be president of the Council of Communities, but also to benefit an absolute majority – the only one for a socialist in all of Spain – which gives him broad political and social support in the region. One direction “you must not touch it”according to the sources to which this newspaper had consistent access.

“It’s not feasible.”

“It is not feasible, it is not feasible to think about replacing Page in Castile-La Mancha,” explain the national leaders close to Sánchez. “Page is not only the general secretary of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha but, in addition, He is president of the community and enjoys broad support within the party.“, they think in this area, just as, on the other hand, was reflected in the Regional Committee that the socialists of Castile-La Mancha celebrated on September 21, where Page was applauded.

“Changing regional presidents – says a senior socialist official from Castile-La Mancha – is unprecedented.” And adds: “Never in the history of the PSOE has the presidency been transferred to a president of an autonomous community and, therefore, I do not think it will happen now, I do not think it is likely.”

Another thing, they explain, is that some territorial leaders who do not govern their regions, as is the case of Andalusia or Community of Madridif they can be replaced by Ferraz in their respective regional congresses, “But Page’s case is obviously different.”.

Risk operation

A Madrid manager believes, in this sense, that Ferraz’s maneuver to dismiss Page “would be somewhat scandalous”, in addition to “Risky operation” in which Sánchez has no guarantee of success.

Other party sources believe, in this regard, that it could even be good for Sánchez to have a capricious person like Page in front of him, thus offering him “an apology which shows the plurality that exists within the PSOE”.

All the sources consulted, even within the Sánchez government itself, are aware of the difficulty of such an operation, even if They recognize that Page has become a “China” in place of the President of the Central Executive..

Respect a president

Despite intense rumors, the idea of “respect a political leader who presides over an autonomous government” and that the Regional Congress in January takes place without problem, without primaries and with Page reinforced in his role as general secretary.

In fact, Page himself, both in his speech before the aforementioned Federal Committee and in his subsequent statements to the media, reminded Sánchez that he was “the president of Castilla-La Mancha” and that would be “contradictory” that the tenant of Moncloa asks for protection at the Federal Congress convened at the end of November in Seville and at the same time tries to move the presidency of the Castilian-La Mancha leader.

In this sense, Page claims to be president of Castilla-La Mancha and remembered the Ferraz’s criterion for defending presidents and not take away their responsibilities, especially when, as in their case, they have an absolute majority and solid leadership within the regional PSOE.

Six years without seeing each other face to face

Anyway, the truth is that the government delegate in Castile-La Mancha, Milagros Tolón has excluded himself this week and made it clear that he would not compete with Page for the General Secretariat of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha, although the name of the Minister of Housing, Ciudad Real Isabel Rodríguezas a hypothetical alternative, although sources close to him deny this possibility.

Page and Sánchez have seen each other occasionally on several occasions over the past few years, but their last official, bilateral face-to-face took place six years agomore precisely on October 15, 2018, which highlights the political and personal distance that exists between the two.

As we know, Sánchez will receive Page next Friday, October 4, at the Moncloa Palaceas part of the cycle of bilateral meetings that the President of the Government holds with the regional presidents talk about regional financing and try to calm the strong controversy that this issue arouses in Spanish politics regarding the Catalan quota.




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