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HomeBreaking NewsWe may need frozen meats: reasons for the decline in production

We may need frozen meats: reasons for the decline in production

Azerbaijan’s meat supply is increasingly dependent on imports. This is confirmed by official figures. For example, in January-July 2024, 30,722 tons of meat were imported into Azerbaijan. According to the statistics of the State Customs Committee, the value of this volume of meat amounted to 68 million 543 thousand US dollars. This is 6,490 tons (26.7 percent) in terms of volume, and 21,602 thousand US dollars (46 percent) more in terms of value than in the same period last year.

Currently, the main countries where we import meat are Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Experts explain the increase in meat imports by several reasons. According to experts, the reduction of grazing areas and the increase in the price of feed components in recent years in our country have negatively influenced the development of livestock farming. The 2-3-fold increase in the cost of breeding large- and small-horned animals forced entrepreneurs engaged in this sector to change their profile. But I wonder if Azerbaijan’s increasing dependence on imports for meat supplies creates any risks.

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42 kilograms of meat per person per year

According to official statistics, the annual per capita consumption of meat and meat products in our country is about 42 kilograms. According to estimates, 16 kilograms is beef. In addition, the consumption of sheep and goat meat is 9 kilograms per person, and poultry meat is 15.4 kilograms. This is a low indicator compared to developed countries of the world. Thus, Azerbaijan lags behind many developed countries of the world in terms of meat consumption by about 40 percent. It is reported that 75-80 percent of the annual per capita meat consumption is covered by local production.

By the way, in recent years, the decline in interest in animal husbandry has also led to a decline in the number of large- and small-horned animals. In the first six months of 2024, a decrease in the number of cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats was recorded in Azerbaijan. Compared to the same period last year, the number of cattle decreased by 1.6 percent, the number of cows and buffalos decreased by 1.1 percent, and the number of sheep and goats decreased by 2.6 percent. There was a decrease in the number of birds in Azerbaijan. In the first six months of the year, there were about 12 million birds in the country, which is 0.5 percent less than last year.

Pasture areas have decreased

Economist Jafar Ibrahimli said that the development of livestock farming is one of Azerbaijan’s priorities.

According to him, the main objective in this area since 2010 has been to reduce dependence on foreign countries:

“If we have not been able to achieve a reduction in this direction so far, then there are risks. In fact, since 2010 the state has allocated special funds for bringing breeding animals into the country and creating intensive farms. Large-scale loans have been provided to large intensive farms, which means the state has fulfilled its obligations. The main problem is related to grazing and grazing areas. It can be said that no work is being done to improve the vegetation of the land. This creates serious difficulties in maintaining small livestock, which increases their costs.”

According to the expert, new grazing areas have been opened up in the territories liberated from occupation. If these areas are used effectively, a positive turn in the development of livestock farming can be achieved. Thanks to the existing opportunities, it is possible to reduce meat imports by 50-60 percent.

Since 2018, meat production has been declining year after year.

Akif Nasirli, chairman of the Center for Liberal Economists, noted that meat production in Azerbaijan has been declining year after year since 2018:

“There has been a record in this area for the past three years. Normally, demand for meat decreases in the summer months, which leads to lower prices. It is a pity that this tradition has been broken since the summer of 2023. The price of meat also increases in the summer months. The situation is similar this year.”

According to A. Nasirli, since there is no pasture in rural areas, animals are fed only in stables:

“This also increases the cost of the product. Of course, the majority of the rural population could not withstand the competition, they sold their animals for their value. As a result, production decreased significantly. Therefore, the population’s need for red meat today is mostly due to meat imports. Probably, meat imports will increase. After a while, we will see imported meat on a large scale. If the situation continues like this, we may need frozen meat like in the 1990s.”

It is necessary to stimulate production.

A. Nasirli believes that it is necessary to stimulate local production to reduce meat imports:

“Grazing areas should be created for each village. Attention should be paid to unprofitable areas. Opportunities in the territories liberated from occupation should also be used. As we know, the grasslands of Lachin and Kalbajar have historically been favorable areas for animal husbandry. At least 3-4 months a year, people graze their animals on open pastures in the grasslands. If such weaving areas are brought back into circulation, I am sure that local production will increase.”

The reactivation of the tourism sector has increased the demand for meat

Mirjavid Hasanov, an expert on agricultural issues, believes that the increase in the volume of imported meat is not related to the decline in production. According to him, the revitalization of the tourism sector also influenced this issue:

“In fact, we have enough production. The thing is that the demand for meat in our country has increased in recent years. The revival of the tourism sector plays a special role in the increase in meat imports.”

The expert said that in addition to the increase in meat imports, Azerbaijan also increased its exports.

“Today we export meat to Arab countries and Dubai. For example, there is a farm in Hajigabul whose steak meat is exported to Arab countries.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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