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“We will guarantee equality before the law for all Spaniards”

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazoncalled an extraordinary plenary session of his government this Monday to approve the approval of the appeal against the Amnesty LawThe appointment is “urgent” and will be “monographic and exclusive” since the legal deadline to appear before the Constitutional Court expires this Wednesday.

The Valencian Executive has the favorable opinion of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC), which understands that “There are enough arguments” to appeal to the TC to obtain amnesty for those found guilty of the attempted separatist “coup d’état” in Catalonia.

Mazón, along with other regional presidents of the PP such as the one from Madrid Isabel Diaz Ayusohas chosen to file an appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law.

The Generalitat will also request the recusal of the magistrates Candido Count Pumpido, Juan Carlos Campo And Laura Diazknowing that they are linked to the PSOE, which was the party that promoted the amnesty to obtain votes for the formation of the Carles Puigdemont at the investiture of Pedro Sanchez as president of the government.

The Valencian leader affirms that his government continues with this initiative, which it assumes with “all the consequences” to ensure “equality in the rule of law before the justice of all Spaniards.”

Mazón already announced on May 30, during a parliamentary control session, that the Valencian government had already prepared the appeal, the same day that the plenary session of Congress supported the amnesty law with an absolute majority, thus lifting the veto of the Senate and Parliament gave its definitive green light to its approval.

The law received the support of 177 deputies from the PSOE, Sumar, Podemos, ERC, Junts, Bildu, PNV, BNG and former minister José Luis Ábalos, against 172 against the PP, Vox, the Canarian Coalition and the UPN.

On August 24, the Vice President of the Generalitat Valenciana and Minister of Social Services, Equality and Housing, Susana Camareroreported that the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) had already given the green light to the Valencian government’s appeal for unconstitutionality of the amnesty law, since, as was highlighted at the time, the advisory body considered that there were “sufficient arguments” for the decision to be made TC.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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