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West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Armenians tied a hot samovar to Ashiq Najaf’s back and killed him”

Today, the next edition of the “Life Story” program by journalist Asgar Ibrahimov was prepared on Baku TV as part of the Chronicle of Western Azerbaijan project.

Oku.Az reports that the program “My mother was a descendant of Iravan Khan Ahmed Khan” is dedicated to the life story of Logman Ajdarov, a resident of the village of Babajan, Basarkecher district, Goycha district.

He talked about his childhood and high school years, playing the accordion in third grade:

“I had a great passion for music. When I was in fourth and fifth grade, we went to parties. We sent soldiers to neighboring villages, gave engagement rings to girls, and held small henna weddings. There was teacher Ali, the director of the House of Culture in the village of Ardanish, musicians Abulfat and Vagif, and together with them we held big weddings in Goycha.”

According to him, the “Shimpir Valley” was the first settlement of Babaja, the community lived there for the first time:

In the “Arigli forest” there were all kinds of trees. There was horticulture, a smelly forest. We used to go there to collect the smell with the children. We held competitions with children from neighbouring villages. We had very demanding teachers. They gave us tasks throughout the year. We would spend the summer reading. There we fought with the Armenians to study, advance and become literate.”

L. Akhdarov said that there are 10 children in the family and that his father was a war veteran and his mother was a descendant of Ahmed Khan, Khan of Iravan.

“Iravan Khan Ahmed Khan was the khan of Iravan in 1806-1807. After the Russians and Armenians came to Iravan, they displaced those generations, the leading generations. One of those generations was the generation from my mother’s paternal side. They also came and settled in our village, and my mother was the same, she was a daughter of a generation.”

A resident of Babajan spoke about Armenian brutality, claiming Albanian cemeteries in his own name, and the fact that Goycha’s story has not yet been fully written:

“My grandparents fell in love. At that time, lovers came to us a lot. They always talked about Ashiq Najaf, Ashiq Alasgar’s student. The Armenians tied a hot samovar to his back and killed Ashiq Najaf. The Armenians committed many atrocities and were bloodless, their goal was to displace the population. They beat, wounded and insulted those who came to the region. Finally, in the last months of 1988, the situation worsened and, like everyone else, our family came to Gadabe and from there to the Ismayilli district.

At the end he spoke of longing for his homeland:

“A person is part of the land he grew up on. The land he was born on is a person’s mother. A person must be reunited with his mother. That’s why we must return to Goyce.”

It should be recalled that the aim of the Chronicle of Western Azerbaijan project is to preserve and popularize the name of our historical and ancient lands, as well as the deportation of Azerbaijanis by Armenians, toponyms that existed in those territories, but their names have been erased, countless examples of underground and surface material culture are revealed: ancient settlements, necropolises, mounds, remains of castles, palaces and fortifications, caravansaries, bridges, burial chests, tombstones, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches, mosques, pyres and hearths, and facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are brought to the attention of the world community.

Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century once again shows that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and villages are of Azerbaijani origin and we know very well that Azerbaijani people have lived on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history. Now the main task is to “make it known to the world community”, it is the promotion of the duties arising from the Concept of Return developed by the Western Azerbaijani Community according to its opinion.

It also aims to enlighten the thoughts of historians and researchers about West Azerbaijan and the life stories of people who were deported.

In the detailed plot:

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Armenians tied a hot samovar to Ashiq Najaf’s back and killed him”

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Armenians tied a hot samovar to Ashiq Najaf’s back and killed him”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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