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West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Bala Mazra is one of the oldest villages in Basarkechar”

Today the next program was aired within the framework of the West Azerbaijan Chronicle project.

Journalist Rufik Ismayilov was interviewed by Malahat Ibrahimgizi, chairwoman of the West Azerbaijan Community Women’s Council.

He spoke about the activity of the Council that he directs and the work he did last year. He said that women who contribute greatly to the activities of the West Azerbaijan Community are the creators and carriers of our culture and heritage. Speaking about the West Azerbaijan school of carpet weaving and the exhibition of carpets woven by women at international exhibitions, the interviewee emphasized that during the Soviet Union the Armenians prevented the introduction at the union level of samples of carpets, the fruit of the work of our compatriots. . Taking into account all these facts, last year the Women’s Council of the West Azerbaijan Community organized an exhibition of carpets woven by our compatriots in different years together with the National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan. A catalog of these carpet samples was later prepared and presented to the participants of the international event held in Baku. At the same time, conditions were created so that the participants in said event could become familiar with the exhibition.

In addition, a project to promote West Azerbaijani cuisine was implemented on the initiative of the Women’s Council. Nor was the collection of popular songs and examples of oral folklore performed by our compatriots living in our historical lands ignored. The Iranian Group was created at the initiative of the Council. Ibrahimgizi said that all these means are aimed at protecting, preserving, promoting and transmitting the culture and heritage of West Azerbaijan to future generations.

The interviewee, who stated that for more than twenty years he has adequately represented his constituents in the Milli Majlis, added that the deputy often meets with the inhabitants of the area where he was elected, including our compatriots who were deported from Western Azerbaijan. According to him, the greatest wish of our homesick compatriots is to return to their homeland. The chairman of the council also reported on the Bala Mazra village of the Basarkecher district, where he was born, and referred to the genocide and massacres committed by the Armenians against the inhabitants of this locality in the last century. He said that the Armenians burned the family of his grandfather’s younger brother.

Reminding that a new stage of the struggle for our historical lands has begun, Ibrahimgizi emphasized that the return to West Azerbaijan is a national issue.

It should be remembered that the objective of the Chronicle of Western Azerbaijan project is to preserve and promote the name of our historical lands, as well as the deportation of Azerbaijanis by Armenians, place names that existed in those territories, but their names have been erased. and countless examples of underground and surface material culture: ancient settlements, necropolises, mounds, remains of a castle, palace and fortification, caravanserai, bridges, funerary chests, stone crosses, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches, mosques and pyres . and homes are revealed, and facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are brought to the world community.

Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century shows once again that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and towns are of Azerbaijani origin and we know very well that Azerbaijanis on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history people have lived. Now the main task is for the world community to also know it”, – in his opinion, it is about promoting the duties that arise from the Concept of Return developed by him. the Community of West Azerbaijan.

Furthermore, it aims to illuminate the thoughts of historians and researchers about Western Azerbaijan and the life history of the people who were deported.

In the detailed plot:

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Bala Mazra is one of the oldest villages in Basarkechar”

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “Bala Mazra is one of the oldest villages in Basarkechar”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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