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West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “My father used to say that when we left the house, our dog would cry at the door”

Today the next edition of journalist Asgar Ibrahimov’s program “Life Story” was prepared on Baku TV within the framework of the West Azerbaijan Chronicle project.

Oku.Az reports that the program “Azerbaijanis did not buy the meat of cattle slaughtered by Armenians” is dedicated to the life story of Elara Shukurova, a resident of the village of Yamanjali, Gamarli district of Garnibasar district.

He talked about his childhood memories, the discrimination he faced in his education and work life, the difficulties he faced, the events that occurred in 1950, 1965 and 1988, and shared his life in general:

“In 1958, when I was 8 years old, I went to school. Since there were few Azerbaijanis in the village at that time, there were only schools in the Armenian language. As a child, I had a great desire to read books.”

According to him, there was great tension in the town in connection with the 50th anniversary of the “Armenian genocide” in 1965: “The police were brought to the town and residents were ordered not to leave their homes. After this incident, the attitude towards Azerbaijanis began to change.”

E. Shukurova moved to the city of Yerevan in 1968, first graduating from the Medical Technical Faculty, and then from the Faculty of Biology of Yerevan State University:

“During my education and working life, I faced certain difficulties because I was an Azerbaijani. After the Sumgayit events in 1988, the situation worsened drastically. Our family and other Azerbaijanis were put under pressure, their houses were burned. As a result, we were forced to leave our homeland in 1988. In 2008, we were deported and expelled from our home country along with our family. My father said that when we left our house, our dog was crying at the door.

The resident of Yamanjali village expressed hope to return to his homeland and emphasized that Western Azerbaijan is our land: “There are the graves of our great-grandfathers. I think we will return there.”

In short, this life story reflects the difficulties experienced by refugees from Western Azerbaijan and, at the same time, their desire to return to their homeland. His life story is a mirror that reflects the fate of Azerbaijanis living in Western Azerbaijan.

In general, this life story is a mirror that reflects the difficulties experienced by Azerbaijanis deported from Western Azerbaijan, the fate of refugees and, at the same time, the desire to return to their homeland.

It should be remembered that the goal of the Western Azerbaijan Chronicle project is to preserve and popularize the name of our historical and ancient lands, as well as the deportation of Azerbaijanis by Armenians, place names that existed in those territories, but their names have been erased, countless examples of underground and surface material culture are revealed: ancient settlements, necropolises, mounds, remains of castles, palaces and fortifications, caravansaries, bridges, funerary chests, tombstones, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches, mosques, pyres and hearths . , and facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are communicated to the world community.

Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century shows once again that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and towns are of Azerbaijani origin and we know very well that Azerbaijanis on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history people have lived. Now the main task is “to make it known to the world community”, it is the promotion of the duties arising from the Concept of Return developed by the West Azerbaijan Community according to their opinion. .

Furthermore, it aims to illuminate the thoughts of historians and researchers about Western Azerbaijan and the life history of the people who were deported.

In the detailed plot:

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “My father used to say that when we left the house, our dog would cry at the door”

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “My father used to say that when we left the house, our dog would cry at the door”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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