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HomeBreaking NewsWest Azerbaijan Chronicle: Pashinyan has once again started the "lying machine"

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: Pashinyan has once again started the “lying machine”

The following analytical framework was prepared within the framework of the West Azerbaijan Chronicle project.

In the story “Nikol tries to present his expenses as Azerbaijan’s expenses”, it is mentioned that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan once again started the “lie machine” at the press conference he held last week.

The Armenian Prime Minister is reported to have claimed that there are accusations against Armenia in the Azerbaijani Constitution:

“However, there is no territorial claim in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, the question of being the successor of the CPA is not reflected in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, but in the Constitutional Act. In the Constitution of Armenia it is clearly written that “the implementation of the provisions of the Declaration of Independence is the duty of the authorities.”

One of the main provisions of the Declaration of Independence is the realization of the so-called “miatsum” – the unification of Karabakh with Armenia. From this point of view, signing the peace agreement without changing the Armenian Constitution jeopardizes the prospects for peace in the region. The Armenian authorities have no intention of implementing it. Pashinyan is also trying to counter Baku’s demand to change the current Constitution, which includes Armenia’s territorial claims, with the claim that “the Azerbaijani Constitution contains territorial claims against Armenia.” His goal is to remove the constitutional demand from the agenda and keep the territorial claim against Azerbaijan on a legal level.”

It was noted that N. Pashinyan, in his constitutional accusation against Azerbaijan, admitted that the lands of present-day Armenia (Zangezur, Darelyaz, Tavush, Goycha, Vedi and Western Azerbaijan in general) do not belong to the Armenians.

Hayk Nahapetyan, an Armenian expert on military and security issues, also commented on the plot:

“Azerbaijan demands limitation and control of Armenia’s arms. This means capitulation. Azerbaijan will soon raise the issue of financial compensation and demand payment of billions of dollars for what happened in Karabakh and seven surrounding regions over the past 30 years. This is also what West Azerbaijan says – the return of territories or the return of more than 300,000 Azerbaijanis. For example, what will Armenia do if 100,000 Azerbaijanis return to Yerevan?

In the end, it is stressed that the return of Azerbaijanis to their historical homeland will definitely take place: “This is an immutable reality. Against the background of Pashinyan’s confession about Western Azerbaijan, this issue becomes more relevant.”

It should be recalled that the aim of the Chronicle of Western Azerbaijan project is to preserve and popularize the name of our historical and ancient lands, as well as the deportation of Azerbaijanis by Armenians, toponyms that existed in those territories, but their names have been erased, countless examples of underground and surface material culture are revealed: ancient settlements, necropolises, mounds, remains of castles, palaces and fortifications, caravansaries, bridges, burial chests, tombstones, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches, mosques, pyres and hearths, and facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are brought to the attention of the world community.
Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century once again shows that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and villages are of Azerbaijani origin and we know very well that Azerbaijani people have lived on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history. Now the main task is to “make it known to the world community”, it is the promotion of the duties arising from the Concept of Return developed by the Western Azerbaijani Community according to its opinion.

It also aims to enlighten the thoughts of historians and researchers about West Azerbaijan and the life stories of people who were deported.

More on the Baku TV plot:

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: Pashinyan has once again started the “lying machine”

West Azerbaijan Chronicle: Pashinyan has once again started the “lying machine”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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