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HomeBreaking NewsWhat are the changes that may indicate skin cancer?

What are the changes that may indicate skin cancer?

Abnormal points should be shown to the doctor. It is also important to monitor changes in the shape, color, size and texture of the spots. Any change may indicate skin cancer.

Oku.AzAs reported to by oncologist and dermatologist Igor Sinelnikov.

“The main danger of melanoma skin cancer is the ability to metastasize early, that is, spread to other tissues and organs. If the cancer is detected in time, it can be easily treated. In the early stages, melanoma looks like an ordinary cancer and current. Therefore, it is important for everyone to monitor the status of these derivatives, especially those who if there are many unusual spots or if family members have suffered from skin cancer, a change in the texture of the spot or. The appearance of bleeding may indicate a malignant transformation, a large score or size dynamics is a reason to consult a dermatologist or oncologist,” the doctor stated.

To diagnose skin cancer, the dermatoscope method is used, a magnifying device that allows you to see the signs of cancer. Additionally, in the case of computerized dermoscopy, artificial intelligence can be used to analyze the scores. There are also mobile apps to track changes over time based on sheet music images. Sinelnikov stressed that this does not eliminate the importance of face-to-face consultation with the doctor. The standard method of confirmation of melanoma is excisional (total) biopsy.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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