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What are the political groups in the new National Assembly?

The 577 deputies elected or re-elected during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 officially joined one of the political groups of the National Assembly during the inaugural session on Thursday, July 18.

The composition of the groups is very similar to the previous legislature, which had ten parliamentary groups. Only one new group has emerged: Correct! formed by Eric Ciotti, the questioned president of the Republicans, and his allies.

What are parliamentary groups for?

Groups generally allow for the gathering of deputies from the same political family, even if certain so-called “technical” groups bring together elected officials from different parties, particularly when they do not have enough elected officials to create a group in their name – you need 15.

A group has different prerogatives depending on whether it is a majority, opposition or minority group. This session is particularly important in the context of a Chamber without an absolute majority and made up of three blocks of similar size. The challenge is to be as broad as possible in order to influence legislative work: its financial allocation, its representation in the Assembly office (responsible for the organization and internal functioning) depends on the number of members of the group and their position in committees, or even their speaking time in public sessions.

The presidents of each group have a strategic role. They sit at the conference of presidents, which organises the work of the deputies, and at certain meetings of the office. They contribute to setting the agenda of the Assembly. They also have numerous prerogatives in the legislative procedure and in the conduct of sessions (suspension of the session or public vote, for example).

Read the decryption | Legislative: What is the purpose of a parliamentary group in the National Assembly?


At the end of the 2022 legislative elections, the 151 deputies of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (NUPES) were divided into four parliamentary groups: 75 LFI, 31 Socialists, 23 Ecologists and 22 Democratic and Republican Left, including the Communists. In 2024, the NFP will have 182 elected officials, still divided into four groups, two of which are almost equal in size.

  • The group France Insoumisechaired by Val-de-Marne MP Mathilde Panot (president since 2021): 72 chosen.

Five “rebels” who broke with the movement’s leadership chose to join the Ecologists group instead of the LFI group: Clémentine Autain, Alexis Corbière, Hendrik Davi, François Ruffin and Danielle Simonnet.

  • The Ecologist and Social Groupformerly Ecologie-Nupes, whose president remains the MP for Isère Cyrielle Chatelain: 38 elected officials.

This has been expanded compared to 2022 – it had 23 deputies -, both due to the ecological boom registered on July 7, with 28 elected officials, and due to the arrival of dissidents from the LFI. Their arrival justified the name change, becoming Ecologista y Social.

  • The Socialist Party group (PS), whose president remains the Landes MP Boris Vallaud, in office since 2022 : 66 deputies.

In addition to the 59 deputies elected under the PS label, the group welcomed a handful of other left-wing elected officials.

  • The Democratic and Republican Left Group (GDR), chaired by the communist deputy for Puy-de-Dôme André Chassaigne : 17 chosen.

The GDR group includes nine communist MPs in its ranks, as well as MPs from overseas.

in the center

In 2022, three groups formed the presidential majority of Juntos, with 250 deputies: 172 Renacimiento, 48 MoDem and independents and 30 Horizontes and related groups. Only 166 remain, still organized in three groups.

  • The group Together for the Republicex-Renaissance, chaired by resigning Prime Minister Gabriel Attal: 97 members.

98 deputies were elected under the Renaissance banner. Vienna MP Sacha Houlié has decided to stand as an unregistered candidate. He had hoped to form a group that would “From the social right to the socialist left”but “for now [il est] only “admitted in July.

On September 9, two Ensemble MPs, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoqu and Xavier Roseren, announced that they would join former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe’s Horizontes group.

  • The Democratic group, chaired by the modern MP for Loir-et-Cher Marc Fesneau, resigning Minister of Agriculture: 36 deputies.
  • The Horizons grouphaving reappointed Laurent Marcangeli, MP for South Corsica, as leader: 33 elected officialssince September.


  • The Republican right-wing groupformer Republicans (LR), chaired by the Haute-Loire deputy Laurent Wauquiez: 47 chosen.

The group of elected Republicans hostile to the alliance with the far right decided by Eric Ciotti is shrinking compared to 2022, when it had 62 deputies.

On the far right

  • The National Rally group (RN), chaired by Marine Le Pen : 126 deputies.

Of 89 deputies in 2022, the RN now has 126, making it the largest group. Yonne MP Daniel Grenon was excluded for his racist comments in Republican Yonneand is among the unregistered.

  • The group To the right!chaired by Eric Ciotti : 16 deputies.

With 16 LR MPs choosing to join forces with RN, Eric Ciotti narrowly exceeded the threshold of 15 elected officials that allowed the formation of a group. The challenged LR president will thus be able to exist during parliamentary debates: he will obtain, for example, the right to request suspensions of sessions or public votes.

The Independents

  • The Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories group (LIOT), chaired by Stéphane Lenormand: 22 members.

Stéphane Lenormand, MP for Saint Pierre and Miquelon, was elected by the members of the LIOT group to take up the post of president, replacing Bertrand Pancher, MP for Meuse, who was defeated on 7 July.

This cross-party political group, dedicated to foreign affairs, had 22 members in the previous legislature, six of whom were foreigners.

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Finally, the National Assembly’s regulations do not require deputies to join a political group; each legislature also includes some non-members, who however have less speaking time and prerogatives. There were 9 after the 2022 legislative elections and now there are 7.

Read also | The glossary to understand the organization and functioning of the National Assembly

Update, 18 July: correction of the number of PS deputies; 59, not 69, have been elected under this label.

Update, August 23: Updated with final figures.

Update 10 September: Update with the transition of two deputies to the Horizontes group.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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