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HomeLatest NewsWhat do Clavijo's decisions imply in the face of the immigration crisis?

What do Clavijo’s decisions imply in the face of the immigration crisis?

The Canary Islands are planted. As stated by the President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, there was a “before and after” and now there will be changes in the assistance and immigration policy of the islands. What has been decided and what will these changes entail?

The regional president announced that NGOs are ordered to not to welcome another migrant minor without authorization of the community, and that they will now defend the strict observance of the protocols. In this line, he explained that he will defend that the migrant minors who arrive in the islands are in the care of the State, since they are not abandoned or helpless, and are therefore under the responsibility of the Spanish government.

The powers “are clear,” he said, but another thing is that it is understood that “the minor that the State brings to the Canary Islands” is in a situation of helplessness or abandonment.

“The legal services will analyse why it appears that the Spanish government understands that minors are the responsibility of the Canary Islands and that minors are not helplessthey are not abandoned, they are under the guardianship and custody of the State, because it is the State that, with the maritime rescue, recovers them, drops them off at the Spanish border, in this case in the Canary Islands, and then delivers them to the autonomous community which, in this case, was left directly to the NGO.

Clavijo clarified that this does not imply a transfer of powers or that the Canary Islands will ignore the minors, but that the conditions must be met. protocols and they will be cared for as long as there is available resourcesThis weekend, the police reported to the prosecutor’s office that an NGO in El Hierro had refused to accommodate half a dozen minors because they had no available places, leading to a legal requirement This “has already been duly answered,” he said. Clavijo explained that it is about taking “measures to protect workers” and “in order to protect the superior well-being of the miner and the workers.”

Putting pressure on Moncloa

In a first announcement, President Fernando Clavijo warned that “legal proceedings” would be opened against Moncloa for having “left the Canary Islands alone” in the face of migratory pressure. In the absence of a “great political agreement” that he hopes for soon, he decided to “protect” the protocols on the islands.

This decision aims to add pressure on the State in the face of a situation of “total overflow” of resources in the archipelago, as defined by the spokesman for the Canary Islands executive, Alfonso Cabello.

In total, 25,524 migrants have arrived irregularly in the Canary Islands so far this year, 123% more than in the same period of 2023, 6,267 between July and August and experiencing a rebound, with 3,220 in just two weeks.

In the last two weeks, the migratory flow has skyrocketed. In addition, in August alone, 561 minors arrived, 70 last weekend, more than those who have been sent to the Peninsula in the last four years, which do not exceed 500.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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