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What does the PP do?

The majority of the center-right does not even pose this reflection as a question, it simply doubts that the PP will do, in vulgar terms, “something”. There are two reasons which explain this position: the first, the abusive and stifling propaganda of Sanchismo which has succeeded in imposing the idea that Feijóo is a poor politician of more than questionable value and that the Popular Party has not project for Spain and Moreover, and this is the second reason, it absolutely lacks the sense of the State.

It is an imputation that they stubbornly repeat on the part of the unfortunate Pachi López to the leader of the parliamentary slap, Simancas, the man who has the most hatred accumulated in his chest since he was little for everything that “good” means generically. Even if it is proven that Sánchez and his vacationers (the few and all the rest) are constantly busy destroying the state they so celebrate, the staff has already bought into his perfidious sin; They don’t even need to defend themselves with bites, they attack without regard for truth or decency.

The Spaniards therefore pay less attention to the immense misdeeds of the criminal Sánchez than to the bitterness of not finding in the party for which, in any case, they vote, a collective and personal illusion to defeat the stable that Sánchez leads. . From there arises another, even more devastating question: “What can be done to expel this “uncle” (that’s what they call him) from power? The curious thing is that the same people who ask this question respond with regret: “Nothing.” And also, whatever anyone says to the contrary, this devastating species has taken root in public opinion: Sánchez, in Maduro or Putin mode, is a guy who is not enough to beat him at the polls, which he has demonstrated reliably by presenting himself as the winner of the last legislative elections in which – someone remembers – he clearly lost. He, like that idiot Joe Rígoli who darkened Spain in the 80s with the unbearable “I will continue”, proclaims as soon as the opportunity allows, that he will govern, in the worst case, another three years, which, he knows, produces a double effect on the listeners: indignation and resignation, which is precisely what he intends to deduce.

The crowd does not come to analyze the devastating devastation that Sánchez is causing in the Spanish institutional architecture. The crowd remains aware of this immense desolation; Regardless, no matter how great his betrayal, no matter how much the deceased flees Spain while his family breathes corruption, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón will continue regardless, including many territorial socialists who already express without ambiguity their opposition to the general secretary of his party.

In In November, a federal congress is convened carry out a Soviet purge: all together in union to defend the boss’ trash flag. This position contains an explosive firecracker: the PP – assure the fans of the nerdy master – does nothing at all because he neither knows nor has to do anything. It’s clear. The Spaniards opposed to totalitarian sanchismo have already handed over (it must be denounced very often) the spoon of resignation: “Here – they cry – all the fish is sold”. Basically and in form, what is happening is a horror prostrated by the certainty that this guy will live on forever as a macho man.

The objective truth is that the PP – this is not much debated – is not giving up. Now, as an immediate episode, it awaits the appearance of the president in Congress on October 9, to make him blush, but that will not be enough for the leaders of the Popular Party to prove that they are not exactly quiet, that in every parliamentary session they increase the harshness of his speeches in both chambers, thanks mainly to the fact that he settled in Baja, it seems that Cuca Gamarra definitely becomes more effective every day, that the hostile and ungrateful Tellado finds his role as spokesperson, and that a group of women deputies do not tire of mercilessly confronting their PSOE adversaries.

But parliamentary controls are not enough and the wide variety of initiatives, for example in education, less health, and above all the enormous task of rebuilding a country that Sánchez already leaves in a state of desolation, is faded in media supposedly related to the topic. conservative and liberal ideology, and absolutely rejected by those who directly depend on the Sanchista factory.

So the things are: what can we do? What would make PP better? Of course strengthen your communication device almost always in the wake of socialist provocations, without going further into the conflict with the bloodthirsty Maduro. The crowd is determined to mobilize: “Let them throw us into the street,” a doctor from Santander declared this summer. Is the PP in there? Well, as far as we know, not at the moment.

“The thing – a Feijóo leader clearly admitted to the chronicler – is lacking a bit of fertile ground.” Personally, the columnist is unable to measure when the visible general irritation will reach the levels that the Popular Party demands to challenge Sánchez with total defiance in the streets. The memories of the left are not valid in this regard; He is occupying the city rightly or wrongly and every time the right is in power, does anyone remember riots by the wool unions against Zapatero or now Sánchez? “What can the PP do?” asks half the country. Well, the only answer is this: first, certify that it is an alternative even if the government denies it; second, to implore the courts not to abandon their job of keeping these crooks away from the common treasury that they manage as if it were their own; thirdly, articulate a strategy of coexistence, and not confusion, with the ultrasist parties; fourth, understand that any stupid agreement with the enjoy of the PNV or the Illuminated Juntas is a waste of time; and fifth, better treat voters that the PP marginalizes and forgets, except when the voting bell rings. And the fundamental thing for Feijóo: rid his party of the burden of stupid people who do him no service.

They have first and last names, if they become even more ridiculous – which is already difficult – we give it to them.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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