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HomeLatest NewsWhat foods can you eat (and which ones to avoid)

What foods can you eat (and which ones to avoid)

You have a stomach ache or discomfort and the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to eating well is white rice and ham toast. Although when we have a stomach ache we are probably not very hungry, when it comes time to eat we will have to be careful and opt for a gentle diet or, in other words, favor foods that help us to to recover.

We may be wondering, at this point, what exactly this entails and how it could benefit us. Does it do well with rice and toast? It is easy to describe it as “soft” to make us associate it with soft or easy to chew foods, although in reality we are referring to a gastric protection diet.

What is a gentle diet

Among the different types of soft foods – easy to digest, chew or mechanical – there is one in particular which is a great ally in case of problems such as gastritis, colic, an ulcer, an intestinal virus or any benign pathology of the digestive system. . In these cases we are talking about the first type of diet, the one that helps us in the digestive process, therefore an easily digestible diet for anyone with a clinical problem that affects digestion.

“It is a complete diet consisting of foods of varied texture that do not irritate the digestive tract and culinary techniques – boiling, grilling, foil, etc. – which facilitate digestion,” states the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) on its website. The main goal is to help us replace the loss of fluids and electrolytes, as well as avoid dehydration which can cause gastroenteritis.

What foods are we talking about specifically? The main objective is that this diet provides us with the amount of energy and protein we need, and this translates into the intake of foods such as:

  • Cereals and tubers, but not whole grains. In this section we include bread, rice, pasta or potatoes. But also corn, couscous or millet, and even white bread.
  • Protein foods of animal origin such as fish, best if it is white and prepared grilled or steamed. You should favor the leanest species, such as monkfish, sole or hake.
  • White meat like grilled chicken or turkey.
  • Hard boiled eggs or French omelette. It is best to avoid slightly curdled preparations.
  • Low-fat and lactose-free dairy products, such as yogurt or fresh cheese.
  • Cooked fruits and vegetables, such as apple, pear, zucchini or carrot. On the other hand, you should avoid those that are very fibrous like asparagus or artichokes.

The goal is that the foods we eat do not force our digestive system to work too hard, so they are easy to digest and do not stimulate gastric secretion.

And the drink? What can we do in these cases? If we have to choose a drink, water is the option par excellence, which we can combine with a broth or infusion that helps us rehydrate our body. The Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEME) adds to these drinks a homemade alkaline lemonade that can be prepared with a liter of water, two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of baking soda and the juice of two lemons.

And the isotonic drinks used for this purpose? In recent years, it has been believed that they help us hydrate ourselves. However, this type of isotonic drink is not recommended for the use we want because it does not have the necessary balance of carbohydrates and potassium and has an excess of sugar, in particular 21 grams, while the Organization World Health Organization (WHO) recommends against doing so. consume more than 25 grams per day.

This specific drink does not have the necessary composition for rehydration due to diarrhea, according to the Consensus on Sports Drinks of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine (FEMEDE).

Foods not to include in a soft diet

Since the main goal of a gentle diet is to make our digestive system work as little as possible until it fully recovers, there are certain foods that we should not try.

  • Fruits and vegetables, always protagonists of any type of diet, in this case lose their presence if they are consumed raw because they can be irritating and flatulent and have poorer tolerance. Its introduction must therefore be done gradually. Now is not a good time to eat salads or eat large quantities of raw vegetables.
  • Red and processed meat such as sausages, sausages or hamburgers.
  • Blue fish, shellfish and processed fish such as breaded fish. Along with meat, oily fish contains a greater amount of fat, making it difficult to digest.
  • Whole legumes, because they are not well tolerated, especially if they are eaten cooked or stewed. Additionally, along with cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, they can cause flatulence and should be avoided. The rest of the vegetables, if cooked well or pureed, can be part of a gentle diet.
  • Whole grains, due to their fiber content, give our already damaged stomach more work.
  • Any type of processed product, such as pastries or chocolate, cookies or any other treat. A recommendation that we can also extend to a normal diet.
  • Sauces, spicy foods or spices.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Irritating foods or drinks that can cause digestion and gastrointestinal discomfort, such as coffee and tea, vinegar, or carbonated drinks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Other tips for a gentle diet

In addition to knowing the prohibited and permitted foods, other aspects should also be considered to achieve the goal of making a dietary progression towards a normal diet. And here, in addition to choosing foods carefully, eating several small meals throughout the day instead of a few and very large meals plays a decisive role here.

The cooking method we choose also plays a decisive role here. The most suitable is to opt for baking, roasting, baking or foil It is also important to pay attention to the temperature of the food: avoid it being too cold or too hot.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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