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“What happened between the girls and him was completely consensual”

– Witness: Yes, I know them because I have been friends with them for a long time. They are childhood friends.

This is how it begins the statement made to investigators by a key witness in the “Rafa Mir case”. EL ESPAÑOL had exclusive access to the story told by the friend of the Valencia CF player who accompanied the Third Division forward and defender, Pablo Jara, to the party they attended from Saturday, August 31 to Sunday, September 1.

The party took place at the famous Mya club, in the capital of Turia, where they met two girls, aged 21 and 25, who would eventually become the two plaintiffs in this case that caused a media earthquake. This personal friend of the Valencia striker, also attended the highlight of the evening: a party private chalet with swimming pool What does Rafa Mir have? in the Torre urbanization in Conill. His testimony is therefore essential to tip the balance one way or the other in the case being examined by the courts of Llíria.

“We were at the disco on Saturday, August 31 and in the early hours of September 1. The three of us were there, along with other people who I assume were friends of Rafa Mir,” the witness says, while stressing that He was “invited” to everything he consumed in the Mya room, by his friend Rafa Mir, Valencia CF forward. This young man, in his twenties, from the Murcian neighborhood of Javalí Nuevo, confirms that they met two girls and decided to end the party by swimming in the pool of the chalet that the forward owns in the Torre urbanization in Conill de Bétera.

– Civil Guard: How did they get to Rafael’s chalet in Bétera?

– Witness: In two different taxis that we took at the exit of the disco. Rafa and the two girls left in UBER. And Pablo Jara and I went in another taxi that Pablo paid with his card.

A video of the Torre en Conill urbanization in Bétera.

This witness – in his testimony before the Civil Guard – assures that the two women in their twenties would have They were arguing out of jealousy because they were fighting for Rafa Mir’s company. All this because the 21-year-old kissed the footballer in the Mya room, but when the Valencia striker got on the UBER with the two friends, he also met the 25-year-old. This is how he recounts what happened inside the exclusive chalet in Bétera:

“We were partying and we jumped into the pool. Once we got home, The two girls who were with us started arguing among themselves, because one of them had slept with Rafa at the disco. and when she arrived at the chalet, she saw her friend enter the house with Rafa and they left for about 10 to 15 minutes. He assumed that they had bonded and that’s why they started arguing among themselves.” Specifically, the 21-year-old girl, with whom Rafa Mir kissed at the disco and who denounced the Valencia CF footballer, would have reproached him for her friend, 25, who had had sexual relations with the striker.

Girl ‘X’ started arguing with brunette girl ‘X’ for getting involved with Rafa and apparently she got overwhelmed and started saying she wanted to leave.. I think she called her father on the phone.” In fact, Rafa Mir and Pablo Jara’s friend specifies that the young woman, 21, left the house to wait for her father to go “pick her up” at the chalet in the Torre urbanization in Conill de Bétera.

“Meanwhile, the other girl, the brunette who was in the chalet, started arguing with my friend Pablo. I don’t know the reason. Then, my friend Pablo, seeing what was happening, decided to throw them out of Rafa’s house and he accompanied them to the street. During this episode, girl “X” states that Pablo hit her when he asked them to leave the house. At this point, I want to clarify that I was a direct witness. At every moment, he was close to Pablo and the two girls, and At no time did Pablo hit any of them.“.

Such a statement is contrary to the content of the complaint filed by the 25-year-old girl against the central defender of the Third Division, Pablo Jara, 27, whom she accuses of having touched her buttocks and breasts in the swimming pool, just before throwing her out of the chalet in his panties after hitting her. So much so that EL ESPAÑOL has confirmed through judicial sources that Gabriel Esturillo, lawyer who defends Pablo Jara, has already asked that he declare before the courts of Llíria, the fifth participant in Rafa Mir’s private party – and who was not denounced by either of the girls.

Defender Pablo Jara, friend of Valencia CF striker Rafa Mir, this Wednesday, during his availability at the Instruction Court number 8 of Llíria.


This witness confirms that the 25-year-old woman ended up being thrown out half-naked into the street. “Girl ‘X’ was with a towel in a bundle and Pablo, it’s true that when he takes the towel from her, he leaves her with the bottom of her swimsuit. At the same time he sees that she is without the top of her swimsuit. her swimsuit, took her clothes so that he could get dressed.” He also states that the two girls, either the 25-year-old who denounces Pablo Jara, or the 21-year-old that Rafa Mir denounces, entered the chalet.

“After standing at the door, Rafa and I talked to them, even They came home because we didn’t want to leave them waiting outside to avoid trouble.. They agreed and entered the house where we were talking while a local police patrol arrived, which a neighbor reportedly called after seeing the two girls in the street. The second time they entered the house, the girl [de 25 años] “She said she was going to report Pablo for hitting her when he was taking her out of the chalet,” the witness said.

“When the local police arrived, after half an hour, the officers identified Rafa and me, but not Pablo because he was not there at the time and that’s when it all ended. The girls remained with local police and the girl’s father [de 21 años] who arrived at the house while the patrol was already there.”

The questioning to which this witness was subjected focused both on the content of the complaint filed by the young woman, aged 25, against Third Division defender, Pablo Jara, and on the complaint filed by the young woman, aged 21, against Valencia CF player, Rafa Mir, and which led the team to announce this Monday that it was withdrawing the striker from the team, in addition to impose a financial penalty.

– Civil Guard: Did Pablo have sexual relations with any of the girls? Were they consensual or did you observe some form of refusal on the part of the girls to have this type of relationship?

– Witness: There was no sex. Pablo was with me at all times.

– Civil Guard: Have you seen Pablo hitting girls?

– Witness: No, that didn’t happen.

– Civil Guard: While the Local Police were on site, did Pablo hide inside the chalet to avoid being identified?

– Witness: Yeah.

– Civil Guard: Did Rafael have any sexual relations with either of the two girls?

– Witness: I don’t know. They both went into the house, but I have no idea what they did.

– Civil Guard: Were these consensual relationships or, on the contrary, did you observe a kind of refusal on the part of one of the girls to maintain this relationship with Rafael?

– Witness: Everything that happened between them was completely consensual.

– Civil Guard: Was Rafael inside the chalet during one of his stays with one of the two girls?

– Witness: Yes, he was inside like I said with girl ‘X’ [de 25 años]but I don’t know anything about what happened.

– Civil Guard: Did Rafael have sex in the pool or in any room of the chalet or did he grope the private parts of some of the girls in that place?

– Witness: Not in front of me. The only thing I can say is that what I saw was that when they entered Rafa’s house: they were both very happy.




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