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what happens to your refrigerator if you put magnets on the door

This Is What Happens To Your Fridge When You Put Magnets On It on the door that you have to take into account. We are facing an element that could end up being the one that will make us put an end to one of the most common decorative details in all homes, the magnets on the refrigerator end up being a reality in every sense of the word. They are always present and can end up being a problem that will fully affect this appliance in front of us.

Endesa had to come forward to send a reassuring message. Being part of the people involved in this hoax or rumor that has ended up gaining momentum these days. Without a doubt, we are facing a problem that can make our hair stand on end. More than one person has removed all the magnets from the refrigerator upon hearing about this problem that has ended up becoming a reality. These days it will be time to pay attention to the truth and put aside these rumors that come to confuse us even more, especially considering this detail that must be the key to the operation of an essential refrigerator in our daily lives.

Here’s What Happens To Your Refrigerator When You Put Magnets On The Door

Almost everyone has magnets on their refrigerator, being one of the decorative elements that cannot be missed. In addition to having a very practical aspect that must be taken into account and that will fully affect us in these September days.

We put it in the fridge on days when we have a gym or school schedule ahead of us. We take advantage of the fridge to know the children’s weekly menu and be able to prepare a balanced dinner or we always look for those details that can end up being the ones that make an important difference.

The energy expenditure of the house can end up being what affects us completely and is coordinated with other details that until now you would never have taken into account or imagined, you must undoubtedly keep an eye on the electricity bill.

It is this electricity bill that has sparked an open debate on social networks. The magnets on the refrigerator, according to some publications, could be the cause of the increase in the consumption of this already high appliance.

Endesa confirms what everyone thought

One of the main companies that provide electricity to many homes had to stand out. Show that we are facing an element that has nothing to do with what we might expect. These fridge magnets have arrived on the Endesa blog, confirming what we were all waiting for.

As they state on their website: “The lie is this: magnetic decorations that you put on the refrigerator door (travel souvenirs, jokes, logos, etc.) force the refrigerator to consume more electricity by “increasing the electromagnetic energy.” strength of the appliance’s electric field. Everything about this myth is false, including the scientific studies it cites and the possibility that these same magnets are harmful to the food you store in the refrigerator. The reality is that the magnetic fields of these magnets They are so insignificant that they don’t even pass the refrigerator door.

Endesa also gives us advice on how to spend less, because in everything in life, size matters. Having a larger or smaller size has enormous consequences. So much so that it explains to us that: “This proven fact justifies choosing one of conventional size. Let’s not forget either that the refrigerator has the honor of being the appliance that consumes the most in the house. And not only for the power… let’s see who is the bold one who dares to unplug it, unless it is to defrost it in a few hours. The OCU has taken care of calculating the accounts, and for 100 liters of capacity, consumption increases by approximately 120 kWh per year. Around 15 euros. If you are thinking of buying a new refrigerator, don’t look too much at the size and pay close attention to the letters. Going from a class A to a class A+++ can save up to 60% on the electricity bill.

Now you know everything you need to continue or not to put the magnets on the fridge, it will depend on what you prefer. It is a decorative element that does not affect consumption at all, what affects it a lot is the size of this appliance. We will tend to think that everyone spends the same and this is not true, if it is bigger, it will take more energy to be able to get what we need. Endesa gives us a strong and clear answer about the consumption of our refrigerator.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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