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What is meant by asymmetry in science?

Asymmetry is a characteristic observed in physical bodies, mathematical functions or graphical representations. It occurs when a transformation applied to an element generates a change with respect to its original state. In simple terms, asymmetry refers to the lack of correspondence or balance between the parts of a whole.

Symmetry and asymmetry with widely used concepts in science. They are not limited only to the shape of objects or living beings, but also apply to phenomena and laws that govern nature. These notions are essential in mathematics, chemistry and theoretical physics, but they also play an important role in biology.

Asymmetry and life

Life is a network of symmetrical and asymmetrical processes that have enabled the diversity and evolution of species. Asymmetry has played a fundamental role in the evolution of biological complexityThis phenomenon appears at several levels, from the simplest to the most complex organisms.

A biological phenomenon in which asymmetry plays a fundamental role is reproduction.especially in single-celled organisms. For a long time, it was believed that reproduction in these organisms gave rise to two identical daughter cells. In other words, it was thought that there was a symmetrical continuity without alteration between generations.

However, This belief changed in the late 1980s.. This is thanks to Michal Jazwinsky’s experiments with baker’s yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Unlike other single-celled organisms that reproduce by cleavage, this yeast does so by budding. This process allows to clearly distinguish the mother cell from the daughter cell at each reproduction cycle.

A vital phenomenon

Michal Jazwinsky discovered that the stem cell has a limited number of reproductive cycles before it dies. This finding revealed the existence of an aging process in a single-celled organismThis aging is linked to a molecular asymmetry between mother and daughter cells.

In addition to the division of chromosomes, in each reproductive cycle the parent cell produces additional copies of circular DNA. However, These copies are not distributed equally between the mother and daughter cells.but they accumulate in the mother cell.

This accumulation of extra DNA is a factor that may contribute to the aging of the stem cell. In the meantime, the daughter cell remains “young” and continues to reproduce.

In addition to its influence on single-cell reproduction and aging, Asymmetry is also present in other biological processes fundamentals, such as the following:

  • Regulates body regeneration.
  • Involved in photosynthesis made by certain animals.
  • Affects the longevity of some insects.

Thus, asymmetry is not only a structural feature, but also plays a determining role in the life and evolution of organisms.

Asymmetry in other areas

This concept can be applied in various disciplinessuch as biology, physics, chemistry and economics, among others.

  • Biology: In biology, asymmetry can refer to the difference in the shape or size of biological structures. For example, in some animal species, such as crabs, the left and right sides can have significant differences. This asymmetry can be the result of genetic, environmental, or developmental factors.
  • Physics: In physics, asymmetry can appear in contexts such as particle physicswhere some processes may not be the same in both time directions, which is called time asymmetry. It is also observed in the distribution of forces in mechanical systems or in the structure of some materials.
  • Chemistry: In chemistry, asymmetry is fundamental in the study of chiral compoundswhich are those that are not superimposable with their mirror image. This property is crucial in drug synthesis, since different configurations of a chiral compound can have very different biological effects.
  • Economics: In economics, the term asymmetry is often used in the context of asymmetric information, where one party to a transaction has more information than the other. This can lead to inefficient decisions and market failures.

Mathematics and statistics

  • In mathematics: Skewness occurs when a function is not symmetrical about a specific axis. For example, a function that is not even is skewed about the vertical axis.
  • In statistics, the skewness of a distribution refers to horizontal deformation of frequency distributionsThis concept is measured using the coefficient of skewness, which evaluates how the data are distributed around their mean.

Also in art

  • Asymmetry is also an important concept in art and design. Unlike symmetry, where balance and correspondence are sought between the parts, in asymmetry the contrast between the sides of a composition is deliberately sought.

Recommended Readings

Asymmetries and interactions

Approaching science from asymmetry


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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