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HomeBreaking NewsWhat is the Indian ATAGS capable of, which Armenia wants to buy?...

What is the Indian ATAGS capable of, which Armenia wants to buy? – STATEMENT by Turkish colonel

Sudjan Chinoy, director general of the Indian Institute of Defence Research and Analyses, said in a statement that Yerevan wants to buy 155mm ATAGS artillery units from New Delhi.

On the technical characteristics and combat capability of ATAGS guns. Oku.AzSpeaking with the Turkish Armed Forces Reserve Colonel, Professor of the Department of International Relations at the American University of Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Sadik Akyar He said that the mentioned step will increase the firepower of the Armenian army:

“Indian defense industry companies began modernizing ATAGS guns in the early 2000s. As a result of the above-mentioned process, 155-mm ATAGS guns, which Armenia wants to buy from India, began to be produced. They are superior to their counterparts used in the West. Subject to the change of shells, the firing range is 48-50 km. The only weak indicator is that it is a mounted gun. It seems that the purpose is to use them in mountainous areas, without seeing the 155-mm gun. It is inconvenient to use this type of artillery in war conditions. Depending on the number, this will strengthen the firing capability of the Armenian army. The possibility of using them in the direction of Nakhchivan in recent days indicates that ATAGS can be deployed in the near future.”

The colonel also spoke about appropriate measures that the Azerbaijani army can take:

“The Azerbaijani Armed Forces can limit Armenia’s firepower from ATAGS by using Turkish-made “Fırtına” howitzers. Strong cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan in the field of defense industry and security makes this possible. On the other hand, since these guns are mounted on trailers, some of them, in a dangerous situation, can be shot down by UAVs armed in the rest of the Azerbaijani Air Force and Army.

Sohrab Ismail


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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