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What is the maximum penalty for doctors guilty of the deaths of two mothers?

What is the maximum penalty for doctors guilty of the deaths of two mothers?

The death of women who gave birth in public hospitals in the last two weeks has caused concern among the people.

Thus, the deaths of Sama Yusubova, who gave birth to a child by cesarean section on October 14 at the Shirvan maternity hospital, and Zahra Zamanova, who gave birth to a child at the Sabirabad district central hospital on October 27, raised some doubts among citizens.

Relatives of the deceased mothers blame the doctors and claim that it was their negligence that led to the incidents.

On the topic Oku.AzIn response to the request, the Territorial Medical Unit Management Union (TABİB) said that the incidents of maternal death are being investigated by a special commission:

“According to research by data analysts at the World Health Organization, the epidemiology of maternal deaths is dominated by deaths that occur after surgical delivery. Therefore, one of the ways to reduce maternal deaths is to reduce cesarean section operations.

Caesarean section operations in our republic “Clinical protocol on cesarean section operations” approved by Decision No. 30 of the Collegium of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 3, 2013 and “Approval of medical grounds for performing cesarean sections ” ” of the Collegium of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan of November 20, 2013 must be carried out in accordance with Order No. 37. 31.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the protection of health of the population” regarding doctors performing cesarean section operations, which are not based on evidence-based medicine or protocol. According to article 163 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan and article 186 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, disciplinary measures are taken.

It should be noted that cases of maternal death that occur in medical institutions subordinate to TABIB are investigated by the Commission to analyze cases of maternal death during pregnancy, childbirth, childbirth and the death of babies in the early neonatal period and complicated births.

“Based on the results of the investigation, appropriate measures will be taken.”

The response also highlighted that the cause of both recorded deaths will be known after the expert opinion of the Shirvan district branch of the Union of Medical Experts and Pathological Anatomy:

“On October 14, 1998, a woman born at Shirvan Maternity Hospital gave birth by cesarean section. On the 19th of the month, the condition of the mother and baby was assessed and she was discharged. About a week Later, on October 25, she went to the Central Hospital in the city of Shirvan. Despite numerous attempts by doctors, it was not possible to save the elderly woman’s life.

The exact cause of death will be known after the expert opinion of the Shirvan district department of the Union of Medical Experts and Pathological Anatomy.

The exact cause of death of a woman born on October 27, 2000 after a natural birth at the Sabirabad Perinatal Center will be known after the expert opinion of the Sabirabad district branch of the Union of Medical Experts and Pathological Anatomy.

Please note that article 163 of the Code of Administrative Offenses includes the following penalty:

“Officials will be fined from 5,000 to 7,000 manats and legal entities – from 10,000 to 15,000 manats, for performing a cesarean section operation without medical reasons determined by the competent executive authority.”

Article 186 of the Labor Code defines disciplinary responsibility for violation of labor and performance discipline and its types:

“If the employer and the employee do not fulfill their duties defined by this Code and other normative legal acts, or abuse their rights, or fail to fulfill their obligations under the employment contract, they are subject to disciplinary liability, and in the cases provided for because by law they are subject to other responsibilities.

If the employee does not fully or partially perform the job function, or performs it poorly, violates the duties provided for in Article 10 of this Code, as well as the disciplinary rules within the company, the employer may impose one of the following disciplinary sanctions: him:

a) reprimand;

b) give a severe reprimand with a final warning;

c) impose a fine not exceeding 1/4 of the monthly salary, if provided for in collective agreements;

ç) terminate the employment contract according to subsection “ç” of article 70 of this code.

When imposing disciplinary sanctions, the employer must take into account the personality of the employee, his reputation in the team, the level of professionalism and the nature of the mistake he made. The employee may be reprimanded in writing or orally without applying any of the disciplinary sanctions specified in the second part of this article. A warning is not disciplinary action.

The disciplinary responsibility provided for in this article by the employer is carried out by the official who is considered his employer, the owner of the company, and if the company is state-owned, it is carried out by the competent executive authority. . The employer assumes administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Aygun Mirakif



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