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What is the stability trajectory and the spending ceiling? Everything you need to know about the votes that will mark the approval of the PGE

The stability of the legislature depends on the votes that the government will bring to Congress. This week, a key arrives. On Thursday, the vote takes place spending ceiling, preliminary step to the establishment of public accounts.

What is the path to stability?

These are the deficit targets, public debt and the spending rule. for the next three years. Three objectives that must be in line with what was agreed with the European Commission. And this is the preliminary step to the preparation of the general budgets of the State.

Who approves of it?

First, it is debated and voted on in Congress, which already He rejected it last July with the votes against the Popular Party, Vox and Junts. Next Thursday it will be put to the vote again, with the uncertainty of whether it will have the necessary support.

The deputy of the Junts, Josep María Cruset, said during the previous vote: “Either they understand that this cannot be possible, or they look for other ways that will not go through Junts per Catalunya”.

Once approved by the Lower House, it will also have to receive the Senate approval.

What happens if it is not approved?

The main parties concerned would be local and regional entities, which should adjust your budgets to stricter targets. In the words of the Minister of Digital Transformation and Public Service, Óscar López: “This would mean that communities and municipalities would lose 12 billion euros.”

Can budgets be presented if the path is not approved?

Yes. Budgets must be submitted. Mandatory, as dictated by the Constitution. The government must do so before October so that the processing, which usually takes about three months, allows them to come into force on January 1.

First, it must receive approval from the Council of Ministers and be endorsed by the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and the National Commission for Local Government.

And the spending ceiling?

This is the number that marks the maximum expenditure This may include budgets without violating the path objectives. If they are not approved, The 2023 accounts would be extended again.




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