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What support can working mothers apply for from September?

With the beginning of September, all children return to class, in what is known as the September slope, in which many families face the expenses of returning to school, which is why many working mothers must be aware of the aid both at the state level and those approved by the autonomous communities, since you can opt for both monetary subsidies and permits that facilitate family reconciliation.

In this way, on the one hand, financial aid can be taken into account that is not exclusive to mothers or fathers, but can be requested by all persons who meet certain conditions, such as the minimum vital income, as well as the IMV Child Aid supplement. However, there are other aids Yes, they are specific to mothers and fathers, as are the following.

Help with childbirth and childcare

Assistance for the birth and maintenance of a minor is intended for salaried and self-employed workers, regardless of their gender, provided that they are registered or treated as such. benefit from periods of rest/leave for childbirth and care of a minor and prove the minimum contribution periods required in each case.

The financial benefit for the birth and care of a minor will consist of a subsidy equivalent to 100% of the regulatory basewhich will be the contribution base for common contingencies for the month immediately preceding the one preceding the generating event, divided by the number of days to which said contribution refers, as indicated in Social Security.

Maternity deduction

In this case, it is the Tax Agency that regulates this aid to people with children, which constitutes a deduction in the income tax return. consists in the amount of 100 euros for each child under three years oldeither through an advance bonus or by filing the declaration at the time corresponding to this exercise. The maximum is 1,200 euros per year for each child and you can opt for it by meeting the conditions, whether the income is positive or negative.

Increase in maternity deduction

On the other hand, be aware that those who are entitled to the maternity deduction also have the possibility of accessing the increase in this deduction for having paid childcare costs in a daycare or early childhood education center. In these cases, the deduction increases by a maximum amount of 1,000 euros.

“Childcare fees are the amounts paid by the pre-registration, registration, attendance, general and extended hoursand food provided that the payment corresponds to expenses incurred during full months and are not considered exempt income from work in kind,” as indicated by the Tax Agency.

Allowance for large families, single parents and the disabled

Another Social Security benefit related to birth and adoption is the financial benefit for the birth or adoption of a child, in the event of large families, single parents and disabled mothers or fathers.

This aid, if the conditions set by Social Security are met, consists of the payment of a one-off payment of 1,000 euros when the established income limits are not exceeded; If they are exceeded, but are lower than the amount resulting from the addition of the amount of the benefit to said ceiling, the amount to be paid will be equal to the difference between the income received and the joint amount indicated.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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