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What to remember from the interview with Michel Barnier

This was his first speech since the announcement of his government on Saturday evening. Michel Barnier presented, on Sunday 22 September, on the news programme on France 2 television, the framework he wants for his government team, setting out some priorities – in particular the recovery of public finances – and wishing to reassure on other points – including social issues and taxes.

Read also | Live: “I will not raise taxes on all French people any further,” says Michel Barnier

The government: “We are not in coexistence”

Asked to respond to criticism of his government, Michel Barnier asked “cohesion” and the “fraternity”promising that he would do it “work on this”. To the question: “Who sets the political line of your government?”The Prime Minister said that it was not a question of coexistence, “because the majority of the parliamentary base that will support the government is made up of deputies, senators, many of whom have supported, accompanied, the President of the Republic for seven years and at the same time there is no majority”.

“We must be very clear, the president presides and the government governs”added Michel Barnier. “There will be no controversy with the head of state, it is in the interest of the country.” The Prime Minister continued, also wishing for a “Positive and dynamic spirit of commitment in the National Assembly with the Head of State.”

IVG, PMA: the “main laws” of “social or societal progress” will be “fully preserved”

Responding to Gabriel Attal, who told Macronist MPs that he wanted to ask Michel Barnier to guarantee “ that there will be no turning back on PMA, the right to abortion, LGBT rights,” The Prime Minister assured that “great laws” of “social or social progress” will be “fully preserved”, “either marriage for all or LDCs in the final provisions of 2021,” or even “Simone Veil’s law”.

The Prime Minister added that he would be “a bulwark so that we can preserve all these acquired rights” in matters of freedoms, social progress. There is no ambiguity”The head of government declared the day after the presentation of his government, in which several conservative personalities participated.

Taxes: “I’m not going to [les] weighs on all French people »

Starting by remembering the context of “3,000 billion in debt and 50 billion in interest to be paid per year,” The Prime Minister assures that he will not raise taxes for “the most modest people neither above the workers nor above the middle classes.”

But it does not rule out other more specific increases: “I will not exclude the national effort that will be necessary to remedy the situation, and the more fortunate people will be involved.” Will ask the government to “reflect on this solidarity effort in which the richest must participate.” He also mentioned the possibility that “Large multinational companies, which are doing well, [pourraient] contribute to the national recovery effort.”

Pensions: “I want to trust the social partners to improve this law”

Asked about pension reform, a much-criticized legacy of previous Macronist governments, Michel Barnier said he wanted “the financial framework [soit] canned”, but leaves the door open to ” improvement “ of pension reform. “I want to rely on the social partners to improve this law,” declared. “I have always thought that the time we spend listening, dialoguing, consulting, and respecting others is never wasted time.” He assured, recalling that he is at the origin of the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) created thanks to the “Barnier Law” since 1995.

Immigration: “We need to deal with this issue with much more rigor”

The Prime Minister felt that we should “deal with this issue of immigration with much more rigor”. “There will be ruptures, much more firmness and at the same time humanity”He added, specifying that this is “the line” that he counts ” continue “ with Bruno Retailleau, the new Minister of the Interior.

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“We are going to do practical things, like all our neighbours, to control and limit immigration, which often becomes unbearable and also leads to not welcoming into our homes those whom we welcome.”the Prime Minister continued. “There will be no ideology, there will be no sectarianism” However, he assured that he plans to take measures as well. “on good terms with them [nos voisins européens] “.

He refuted everything “taboo or totem”, including on a possible abolition of state medical aid. “I would also like to address an issue that costs a lot of money: tax fraud, but also social fraud.” declared.

“Mental health” is a “great national cause in 2025”

The Prime Minister announced that he wanted to do “mental health” there “great national cause” Psychiatry is in serious and persistent crisis in France: one third of hospital doctor posts are vacant and the number of beds is decreasing, while the number of patients has doubled in the last twenty years. A long-awaited National Refoundation Council dedicated to mental health was planned for this summer, but was cancelled following the dissolution of the National Assembly, decided by Emmanuel Macron.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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