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What was stolen must be returned or compensated.

What was stolen must be returned or compensated.

“You can’t steal other people’s things. Even if you steal, you can’t go unpunished.”

These ideas are contained in a new plot published on Caliber’s YouTube channel.

“The crimes do not go unpunished, and after a demonstrative punishment, the aggressor can only wash his face with tears and talk about some “ethnic cleansing” and a mythical “cultural heritage”… Furthermore, the report of the mission of the UN that visited the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan immediately after its liberation from occupation, it is mentioned in the text that the mission did not observe any damage to civil and public infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and residential buildings. received “no information from individuals about violence against civilians,” the plot states.

It is observed that those who left are no longer there, but those who were stolen must be returned or compensated.

More details on the plot of “Caliber”:

What was stolen must be returned or compensated.


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