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HomeWhat weapons have not yet been used against Israel?

What weapons have not yet been used against Israel?

Hezbollah terrorists continue to threaten Israel and are gradually expanding their capabilities. On September 22, 2024, a massive missile attack took place against the country’s northern regions, the first such incident since the start of the war. Although the attacks forced thousands of Israelis to take refuge in bomb shelters, Israel did not suffer serious casualties. However, experts warn that Hezbollah’s arsenal is far from exhausted and that the group may use new types of weapons and tactics.

Naval capabilities

According to Walla, Hezbollah has not yet used its naval forces. Military expert Amir Bohbot notes that the group has naval commandos capable of operating both above and below water. Dr. Eli Carmon of the Begin-Sadat Research Institute notes that Hezbollah could attack Israeli gas fields and warships and even carry out landings on the coast.

The group is believed to be armed with anti-ship missiles of Russian and Chinese origin, as well as several speedboats used for both reconnaissance and attacks. Israel also suspects Hezbollah has a mini-submarine that could be used to transport fighters or attack targets near the coast, such as in the Haifa area.

Ground operations

Another possible scenario is a ground invasion of Israeli territory. For years, Hezbollah has been developing a plan to occupy the Galilee. However, recent Israeli strikes have dealt serious blows to these plans. In September, the Israeli Air Force eliminated Hezbollah special forces commander Raduan, who was responsible for coordinating such operations. Despite this, analysts believe the group is still capable of carrying out limited ground attacks against border settlements or military installations.

Missile Arsenal

Channel 12 writes that despite massive missile attacks on Israel, Hezbollah’s arsenal remains impressive. Experts believe the group has about 100,000 missiles of various types left. Iran has transferred thousands of missiles to Hezbollah since 2006, including Syrian-made long-range M-600 missiles with a range of up to 250 kilometers.

Although Israel has a multi-layered air defense system, including the Iron Dome and Hetz-3 complexes, experts warn that in the event of massive missile salvos, the system may not cope with the threat.

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Hezbollah also has a significant arsenal of drones, some of which were provided by Iran. Hezbollah’s drone first penetrated Israeli airspace in 2004 and since then the group has been actively developing this type of weapon. According to experts, there may be up to 2,000 drones at the moment, including kamikaze drones and reconnaissance vehicles.

Hezbollah has made little use of its heavy drones or long-range missiles in the current phase of the conflict, which analysts say may indicate an intention to reserve them for a more serious escalation.

Thus, if the situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border continues to deteriorate, Hezbollah could use its most powerful capabilities, including long-range missiles and drones, which have not yet been used.

Earlier, Kursor reported that Hezbollah’s leader became the object of ridicule after Israel’s bombing.

Hezbollah faced another round of mockery on social media after a cow barn became the “target of retaliation” for Aqeel’s death.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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