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HomeWhat will wars of the future be like and what needs to...

What will wars of the future be like and what needs to be reconsidered?

The article “Windows, Not Walls: Conceptualizing Air Superiority for Future Wars”, published in War On The Rocks, highlights the need to reconsider the traditional Western concept of air superiority.

In the presence of an equal enemy, total air dominance is unlikely and too costly. Instead, the authors suggest focusing on the ability of air forces to carry out missions even in contested airspace, as demonstrated by the Finnish air defence system on the Russian border.

General David W. Alwyn, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, noted that air superiority should be limited in time and space, not universal. This idea has not yet received widespread recognition, although Finnish aviation already operates successfully in such conditions. The lessons of the Russian-Ukrainian war also demonstrate the importance of systems capable of limiting enemy access and suppressing air defenses.

Modern mobile air defense systems have a significant impact on the outcome of military operations, as demonstrated by the situation in Ukraine and Russia. Gen. James B. Hecker and other analysts say it is important to consider other factors, such as drones and ammunition shortages, when planning operations.

The absolute air superiority that was possible in conflicts like the Gulf War is now increasingly difficult to achieve. Today’s multi-layered air defense systems require military commands to adopt more flexible and collaborative strategies.

Future military operations therefore require moving away from total reliance on air dominance in favor of a more flexible and integrated approach that can operate successfully in contested airspace.

Previously, Cursor spoke about how halting British arms exports would affect Israel.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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