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What would happen if Carlos Mazón had to extend regional budgets? This has not happened since 1987

Although the objective of the Executive Carlos Mazon is to present the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for 2025 on time, its approval is not guaranteed.

Its red line, marked by the national leadership of the party and assumed by the parliamentary group of the Valencian Cortes, will once again be the immigration policy.

In this context, there are two scenarios: that Carlos Mazón obtains support for what will be his second regional budget, either from Vox or from the left; or that he does not obtain them and is forced to extend the current ones.

The Valencian Government is considering both hypotheses. It would be “irresponsible” not to do so, in the words of the Minister of Finance and Economy, Ruth Merino. However, their goal is to move them forward.

In June, the Treasury issued the order to prepare the budgets and, after the last plenary session of the Consell, Merino said that all departments had already They began to record the information needed for its preparation.

Parliamentary negotiation

Before the October 31The Consell will have to present the accounts to the Valencian Cortes. Then, parliamentary negotiations will begin.

After the break with Vox, Mazón governs in a minority and only has the 40 deputies of the popular group. You need at least the support of another group to move things forward.

Vox’s abstention would not be enough, because the left bloc has 46 against 40 for the PP. The PP wants to sit down with everyone, but the truth is that not even the PSPV and Compromís will make it easy for them.

Ruth Merino and Carlos Mazón in an archive image at the Cortes

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes


The Secretary General of the Valencian Socialists and Minister of Universities, Science and Innovation, Diane Moranthas shown himself open to meeting with the head of the Consell to negotiate the budgets, but has already said that if they are like those of 2024, the vote of the socialist group will be against.

The leader of Compromís was equally skeptical, Joan Baldoviwho declared that ““Mazón will do everything possible and impossible to not make Vox feel uncomfortable as he has done so far.”

The Treasury Department told EL ESPAÑOL that the Consell is working to present them in a timely manner, as is its “obligation.” “We will talk to everyone in the Valencian Cortes,” they added.

In this regard, they asked that if “they are good for the Valencian Community, those who reject them will have to explain why.”

The extension scenario

In any case, they considered that it would be “irresponsible” not to consider that there is a possibility that they will have to be extended if they do not receive support.

These sources explained that if the budgets were to be extended, a rule would be approved that would govern the conditions of this extension. In this sense, each of the income and expenditure items would be reviewed.

As an example, they point out that a specific income for 2024 could not be budgeted in 2025.

As for personnel, the Treasury confirms that the December salary forecast would be budgeted, so that the payment of civil servants, doctors, teachers and other public employees would not be threatened in any way.

Ruth Merino delivers PGV 2024 to Les Corts

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes


Legally, there would be no problem in making small additions or changes to current expenditure by decree-law.

Regarding expenditure, sources from the ministry explained that the 2024 commitments could not be budgeted again in 2025.

In this sense, investments dedicated to executions already carried out, for example works, cannot be reused.

Has this ever happened?

If the deadline is extended, it would not be the first time in the Valencian Community that this circumstance has occurred.

On January 2, 1988, the then Minister of Economy and Finance, Socialist Antoni Birlangasigned the order extending the ’87 budgets.

In short, legally, this scenario would not have much relevance in the Valencian economy, beyond the difficulties of being able to announce new investments or new projects.

Yes, it would have a very different political reading, because when a government is not able to approve the budgets, which are one of the most important laws, it shows its parliamentary weakness that can affect it more or less when it comes to carrying out the project.




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