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HomeLatest NewsWhat you need to know about a micro-infarction like the one Jesulín...

What you need to know about a micro-infarction like the one Jesulín suffered

Jesulín de Ubrique suffered a micro-infarction in Malaga when He was spending a vacation with his wife, the famous dentist María José Campanario. This pathology is caused by a temporary interruption of blood flow to a small part of the heart muscle.

As we have learned, the 50-year-old bullfighter is out of danger and under observation. The medical services have taken into account a history of cardiovascular accidents that he had already suffered, an arrhythmia diagnosed in 2017, but which the right-hander denied months later.

On the other hand, a micro-infarction, also known as silent heart attack or undiagnosed myocardial infarctionusually has mild or unnoticeable symptoms, making it difficult to detect immediately. It is often discovered only after tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) or MRI.

Most common causes:

  • Atherosclerosis: The buildup of fatty plaque, cholesterol, and other substances in the arteries can reduce blood flow to the heart. When these plaques rupture, they can form clots that block blood flow and trigger a heart attack, even in small areas of the heart.
  • Hypertension: THE high blood pressure It can damage artery walls, facilitating the formation of clots that block blood flow in small coronary vessels.
  • Smoking: Smoking damages arteries and promotes blood clots, which increases the risk of heart attack.
  • High cholesterol level: High levels of cholesterol in the blood promote the formation of plaques in the arteries, reducing their diameter and increasing the risk of blockages in small vessels.
  • Diabetes: People with diabetes are more prone coronary artery diseasebecause high blood sugar damages blood vessels over time, increasing the risk of microinfarction.
  • Stress or anxiety: Chronic stress can increase blood pressure and heart rate, increasing the risk of heart attack.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and obesity: Lack of physical activity and being overweight contribute to the accumulation of fat in the arteries and worsen other risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Main features:

Mild or absent symptoms: Many people do not have obvious symptoms. However, in some cases, they may experience mild chest pain or pressure, fatigue, or shortness of breath. This can be confused with other conditions.

Risk similar to that of a major heart attack: Although a microinfarction affects a small part of the heart, it can increase the risk of future cardiovascular events. It is essential not to underestimate it.

Causes: The causes are usually the same as those of a more serious heart attack, such as atherosclerosis (buildup of plaque in the arteries), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes.

Diagnosis: Difficult to detect by symptoms alone, microinfarcts are usually diagnosed through imaging tests or electrocardiograms. Sometimes they are discovered by chance during studies for other reasons.

Treatment: Similar to treatment for other types of heart attacks, it includes medications such as blood thinners, statins and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of future episodes.

The main danger of a microinfarction is that, if not properly detected and treated, it can contribute to further long-term cardiovascular damage.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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