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HomeTop StoriesWhat you need to know about the Vitoria City Council firefighter competitions:...

What you need to know about the Vitoria City Council firefighter competitions: conditions, dates and exams

He Official State Gazette includes the call for oppositions, in a free round, of the Vitoria City Hall to cover 23 positions in the firefighter category.

What requirements do I need to meet to become a firefighter in Vitoria?

Among the general requirements to be able to participate in the call, it is necessary to be in possession of Spanish nationality or of a Member State of the European Union; to have the functional capacity to be able to exercise the functions or to have I was 16 years oldand not exceed retirement age.

Regarding specific requirements, you must have a driving license. type C, the title of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) or equivalent; and not have been separated from the exercise of any administration through a disciplinary procedure.

When can I submit my application? How can I do it?

The deadline for submitting applications begins on September 20 and ends October 18, 2024.

Applications must be submitted via the Vitoria City Hall websitein which the appropriate forms must be completed and the required documents must be attached.

What will the exams to become a firefighter in Vitoria be like?

The selection process will be governed by oppositions, competitions, training and internships.

Please note that to participate in this call, you must provide proof of Level B2 of Basque. For this reason, and before the start of the opposition tests, a voluntary basque test for all those who cannot prove their level with a diploma. Those who already have it, before the start of the opposition phase, must attach the title during the registration phase.


The opposition phase will consist of three exercises.

In the first of these, candidates must perform psychometric tests assess the skills and competencies related to the functions of the position.

The second will consist of a multiple-choice exam 30 questions on the program. Correct questions will add one point; those left blank will have no value and those answered incorrectly will deduct 0.33 points.

The third exercise will include physical tests which will measure physical fitness to be part of the Fire Prevention, Extinction and Rescue Service (SPEIS):

  • Swimming test: In a 25-meter pool, they will have to cover 100.
  • Weight resistance: They have to move a 75-kilogram mannequin over a distance of 30 meters and make a 90-degree turn.
  • Agility circuit: complete two round trips in the shortest possible time, with an excess weight of 10 kilos.
  • Pull-ups
  • Shuttle route: travel as long as possible, a round trip with a distance of 20 meters.

It is advisable to review the time and scoring charts as they vary between men and women.


In the competition phase, merits such as training, knowledge of Basque and professional experience.

Training phase and/or internship

Those who have successfully passed the opposition phase and obtain a better qualification once the competition phase has passed will be appointed as trainee civil servants and will have to join the training period or internship to access the firefighter category. The course is compulsory and to pass it, you must pass all subjects and the activities offered.

Those who succeed will gain access to the practice phase, which will last six months and whose objective is the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their functions.




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