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what you should never do with pots

You should never repeat this practice with potsis practiced in many homes and is the cause of certain illnesses which can be very serious. Diet has become an element that we must take into account and that we may not have taken into account until now. Without a doubt, storing all foods properly is something we must do, for several reasons. Mainly in the face of a series of elements which go hand in hand and which can be decisive.

Listening to the experts when storing food in the refrigerator will save us from more than one problem. We do not give importance to a task that could lead to illness. We will have to be prepared to be able to reinforce certain details that go hand in hand and which could end up establishing their own rules. Without a doubt, the time has come to start thinking about stopping doing something that seems to save us time and effort, when in reality it can make us spend more than necessary with these types of items. This is what you should never do with pots, for your own good.

It’s dangerous to do this

Everything related to food and temperature changes can pose risks. The changes can affect the characteristics of foods and can cause the proliferation of certain bacteria that we might end up eating.

Taking care of our body is essential, not just going to the gym or taking care of the type of diet. We need to start seeing what will happen when we handle food, some of these might end up being the ones that will accompany us in the days ahead of us.

So we need to start thinking about all that awaits us in these days when hot food is a reality. The season of hot stews and soups is beginning, so you have to start thinking about everything that will happen.

When storing hot food in the refrigerator, there are some precautions you need to take that you may not have considered until now. Storing the jar directly in the refrigerator may be a risk that you must take into account. So, you better start preparing yourself so that you don’t make a mistake so bad that it could make you sick.

What you should never do with pots

Experts from the FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration, tell us what to do with pot. We will put an end to the habit of putting this jar in the refrigerator, which can cause more of a problem.

These rules are those cited by the Americans on their website and which we can put into practice.

Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods immediately. Foods that require refrigeration should be placed in the refrigerator as soon as you get home. Follow the “two-hour rule” to exclude foods that need to be refrigerated at room temperature. Never allow meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, produce or other foods requiring refrigeration to sit at room temperature for more than two hours (one hour if room temperature is above 90°F). This also applies to foods like leftovers, leftover boxes, and takeout. Also, when storing food, do not pack the refrigerator or freezer so tightly that air cannot circulate.

Keep your appliances at the correct temperatures. Keep your refrigerator temperature at 40°F (4°C) or lower. Freezer temperature should be 0°F (-18°C). Check temperatures periodically. Household thermometers are the best way to know these temperatures and are generally inexpensive.

Check the storage instructions on the labels. Many foods other than meats, vegetables and dairy products need to be kept cold. If you haven’t refrigerated food properly, it’s usually best to throw it away.

Eat ready-to-eat foods as soon as possible. Refrigerated ready-to-eat foods should be consumed as soon as possible. The longer it is stored in the refrigerator, the greater the chance that Listeria, a bacteria that causes foodborne illness, can grow, especially if the refrigerator temperature is above 40°F (4°C).

Be alert for spoiled food. Any food that looks or smells suspicious should be thrown away. Mold is a sign of rot. This can develop even under refrigerated conditions. Mold does not pose a major health threat, but it can make food unappetizing. The safest practice is to throw away moldy foods.

Keep in mind that food can make you very sick even if it doesn’t look, smell, or taste bad. This is because foodborne illnesses are caused by pathogenic bacteria, which are different from spoilage bacteria that cause food to “go bad.” Many disease-causing organisms are found in raw or undercooked meat, poultry, shellfish, milk, and eggs; dirty water; and in fruits and vegetables. Keeping these foods properly refrigerated decreases the growth of bacteria.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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